Sex and Gender Flashcards
What is Sex?
It is the biological differences between males and females (include things you can see & cannot see)
What is Gender?
It is cultural expectations of behaviors based on sex.
It is cultural constructed.
What is Inter-sexual?
It is an individual who is not clearly biologically male of female.
What is Third Gender?
Culture allows one or both sexes to choose a set of gender behavior (economic activities of opposite sex and clothing of the opposite sex)
What is Two-Spirit / Berdache?
It is the third gender among North American Indians. They have high status and spiritual roles.
What is Hijra?
It is a third gender in India, mostly always male, in group from 5 to 10 and dance/blessing children for money.
They dedicate life to a specific God.
give up sexuality over to God
genitals are cut off
What is Sexual Socialization?
It is learning the norms and rules of sexuality
What can we say about the norms and rules of sexuality?
It is completely culturally constructed.
It has two parts:
- sexual attractiveness: varies, but has tendency based on the difference between man and woman
- sexual performance: frequency, position, motion
What is sexually permissive society?
It is a society that encourages sexual activity in young people.
Can they ask question, joke or experiment with their sexuality?
What is sexually restrictive society?
It is a society the discourages sexual activity in young people.
Explain Margaret Mead’s discovery about sexual socialization and adult temperament.
She discovered that a type of sexual socialization in a society determines adult temperament.
Sexually permissive society are more peaceful society overall.
Sexually restrictive society are more violent.
What is Ritual homosexuality?
It is all males are required to have male-male sexual contact in order to be considered man.
Ex: Sambia culture
What is Controls of Sexual access?
It is norms and rules dictating who one can have sex with and when. The goal is to create more resources for the child.
What is Post-par-tum sex taboo?
It is the prohibition against sexual intercourse between a couple after the birth of a child, typically from 2-5 years.
Most adaptive in H&G society.
What is Incest taboo? and Why is it universal?
It is prohibition against sexual relations among close relatives.
By forcing one to seek a mate outside the nuclear family, the incest taboo increases the resource for the children.
What is virginity? What can we say about societies that value virginity?
It is the condition of not having any sexual relation.
It is valued in society where women depend on men for subsistence, there is harsh punishment for women adultery and where men need to have confidence about their children.
Ex: intensive agriculture societies
What is Marriage?
It is a socially approved union between two people that unites two families, that established the rights of children, that have sexual exclusivity and permanence.