Social behavior Flashcards
Yielding to real or imagined social pressure
Yielding to social pressure in one’s public behavior, even though one’s private beliefs may not have changed
A form of compliance that occurs when people follow direct commands, usually from someone of authority
Asch experiment of conformity
Test where you see which lines are the same length but everyone around you gives the same wrong answer
- 36.8% conforms
Milgram experiment on obedience
Study were the participant gives shocks
- 65% gave the most severe ‘shock’
People’s ability to work together toward common goals
- based on unique cognitive abilities
Cultural differences in cooperation
Exists because of the sanctioning system within which individuals exist
- Punishment promotes cooperation in societies with high rather than low trust
Social Mindedness
Small acts of interpersonal benevolence such as stepping aside on a sidewalk
- considerable cultural variations
- greater social mindedness - prosocial orientations and performance on environmental protection
- cooperation on concerns of worldwide importance
Individuals with a history of shared experiences and anticipatory future
- produce a sense of intimicaty, familiarity and trust
People who lack ingroup qualities
Infrahumanization of outgroups
Beliefs that others lack human qualities
Compate to animals or objects
Cultural differences in ingroup/outgroup relationships
Different cultures ascribe different meanings to the nature and function of self-ingroup and self-outgroup relationships
- individualistic vs. collectivistic cultures
Individualistic cultures in ingroup/outgroup relations
More: ingroups per person, free expression of thoughts and willingness to treat outsiders as equals
Less: attachment and identity to the group, individual sacrifice for the ingroup and ingroup cooperation, agreeableness, harmony and cohesion
Collectivistics cultures in ingroup/outgroup relations
More: attachment and identity to the group, individual sacrifice for the ingroup and ingroup cooperation, agreeableness, harmony and cohesion
Less: ingroups per person, free expression of thoughts and willingness to treat outsiders as equals
Relational mobility
The degree of freedom and opportunity a culture affords its members to choose and move among interpersonal relationships