Culture and Organizations Flashcards
Pertains to societies in which the ties between individuals are loose: everyone is expected to look after himself or herself and his or her immediate family
Pertains to societies in which people from birth onwards are integrated into strong cohesive in-groupps, which throughout people’s lifetime continue to protect them in exchange for unquestioning loyalty
High power distance
Hierarchical organizations; they develop rules, mechanisms, and rituals that serve to maintain and strengthen status and power dynamics among members
Low power distance
More egalitarian organizations, minimizing rules and customs
Uncertainty avoidance
Highly refined rules and rituals vs. a more relaxed attitude concerning uncertainty and ambiguity and mandate fewer rules and rituals for their employees
Masculinity versus feminity
Value success, money, and achievements vs. prioitize nurturing and caring of its members over money and achievement
long versus short term orientation
Focus on building relationships and market positions vs. short-term, bottom-line profits
Indulgence vesus restraint
Relatively freer gratifaction of basic and natural human desires vs. suppress the gratifications of such desires and refulate through stricter social norms
Criticism of Hofstede’s cultural values
- Minkov, 2017
- Do IBM employees represent national culture? Do the values replicate with other groups and the general public
- Does the questionnaire measure the values well?
- is the cultural variation meaningful?
- Ecological fallacy: some caution with interpretation
Organizational culture
Information system shared within an organization and transmitted across successive generations
Person-culture match
- Workers who had values that were congruent with those of their supervisor were more satisfied and committed
- Organizational identification associated with employee turnover
- but fit less important when less choice
Normative commitment
Degree to which one’s ties to the organization are boun by duty and obligation
Affective commitment
Level of personal feelings associated with one’s relationship to an organization
Leaders in high power distance culture
Tend to be autocratic or paternalistic in their decision making and interaction style
- close supervision positively evaluated by subordinated
Leaders in low power distance cultures
Particiapative and consensual
- close supervision negatively evaluated by subordinates