SOC200 - The Elaboration Model (Chapter 15 + 16) Flashcards
The Elaboration Model
Elaboration Paradigm, The Interpretation Method, the Lazarsfeld Method; the Columbia School Method
logical approach used for understanding relationship betw two variables
The Elaboration Model
observing impact on other variables when third variable (a “control/test” variable) is introduced.
The Central Logic of the Elaboration Model
observed relationship betw 2 variables + hunch that one variable is causing other
Think of 3rd variable then divide sample into groups based on the categories in that third variable
The Central Logic of the Elaboration Model
students and non-students
for each subgroup, recompute relationship betw 2 original variables
The Central Logic of the Elaboration Model
Partial Table – partialing out relationship betw 2 variables via 3rd variable
compare relationship exhibited in partial (3-way) table with relationship in the zero-order relationship (2-way table)
The Central Logic of the Elaboration Model
Partial Relationships: full-time/part time + student status
Compare relationship with relationship in zero order
Regardless of student status – larger % of part time still female
The Central Logic of the Elaboration Model
Zero-order relationship: without added 3rd variable
student status – lot of students work part time
Zero order relationship for students are reduced
Student status is important as well
Relationship betw male + female for not a student about same as zero order
The Central Logic of the Elaboration Model
However, student status is also important: Compared to the non-student group, % of PT workers is much higher in the student group, regardless of sex
diff betw sexes smaller in PT category (was 14% now 9%)
An Elaboration Analysis is Guided by the Type of Test Variable: Intervening Test Variable (not prior in time to the IV and DV)
test variable affects way iv affects dv
Student Status
An Elaboration Analysis is Guided by the Type of Test Variable: Antecedent Test Variable (prior in time to the IV and DV)
iv + dv not actually related appear to show relationship, affected by a test variable directly affecting both
Sex affects both IV + DV
Types of relationships shown when partial table is compared against original table
Summary of potential outsomes in elaboration analysis
Same relationship: replication
Smaller relationship: explanation
Relationship betw sex + PT status substantially same for students and non-students.
zero-order relationship: 11.4% of M + 25.4% of F PT – diff of about 14%
Numbers might change, but diff doesn’t change
Replication because numbers don’t change
original relationship shrinks/made nonexistent in both partial relationships after introducing test variable
test variable logically precedes IV + DV (antecedent variable)
assumes relationship betw student & PT status is preceded by sex
Because relationship betw student status + part time status shrunk, we would call this an explanation
Like explanation except test variable does not precede IV + DV
Relationship shrunk from zero-order relationship
relationship betw sex + PT status genuine one, but substantially shrinks because student status (intervening variable) helps interpret mechanism through which sex “causes” PT status
When partial relationships differ significantly from each other (one same as/stronger than original table + other is less than original table/reduced to zero
Among non student no diff from original table
Among students shrunk to almost no diff
Non student doesn’t explain anything
Student status only explains relationship betw iv + dv
3rd variable hiding relationship betw bivariate relationship
No diff betw M + F working Δ = 1.4%
BUT expected difference appears after controlling for student status Δ = 31% for each partial
3rd variable embedded in 2 variables
shows up as no relationship betw iv + dv
3rd variable possibly suppressing depends on the theory
Distortion (an Extreme Version of Suppression)
3rd variable causes reversal in direction of zero order relationship
Males show a higher incidence of working PT
Distortion (an Extreme Version of Suppression)
expected diff (favoring females) appears after controlling for student status
Δ = 31% for each partial favouring females in PT
have to think theoretically
should think of what variables to control for beforehand
Social Statistics
Help Researchers Describe characteristics of interest in pop/sample
Help Researchers Identify/Explain relationships betw characteristics of interest
Social Statistics
Help Researchers Infer relationships betw characteristics in a pop/sample that may not be directly observable
Summary value of a sample
How do researchers do this?
through measures of association: analyses that enable researchers to summarize association betw variables
measures of association
For nominal (categorical) variables:
Is sex associated with PT/FT status?
Is left-handedness associated with occupation?
For ordinal (categorically ranked) variables:
Is social class related to smoking?
Is employer size associated with higher wages?
Measures of Association using the Proportionate Reduction of Error (PRE) Model
Not all measures of association are PRE measures
PRE measures are useful for introducing measures of association because they have standard interpretation
Measures of Association using the Proportionate Reduction of Error (PRE) Model
Principle - all PRE measures based on comparing errors made in predicting DV while ignoring independent variable vs errors made when making predictions that use info about IV
Reduce error by simply choosing everyone here worked full time: Still have 18 errors
PRE measure with nominal variables
measure of lambda (λ)
which people in a sample of 100 worked full-time
82 of 100 worked full- time, fewer errors by always guessing full-time: would still have 18 errors out of 100 predictions (100 – 82 = 18)
PRE measure with nominal variables
told each person’s gender before, even fewer errors by guessing FT for every man + PT for every woman 8 errors (3 for the PT men + 5 for FT women
PRE measure with nominal variables
knowing sex, 10 fewer errors than without this info
lambda (λ) = .55 (10/18)
error in predicting FT status reduced by 55%
PRE measure with ordinal variables
Gamma (γ) similar rules but guess: For any given pair of cases (any 2 people), does ordinal ranking on 1 variable correspond to ordinal ranking on another?
compare every pair of cases
opposite pair: contradictory to theory
excluded 3 pairs because they have same income +/or same support
Measure of Association with Ordinal Variables - Gamma
In a positive association: if John ranked above Julie on income, he would tend to rank above her on political support.
In a negative association: if John ranked above Julie on income, he would tend to rank below her on political support.
Principles behind Gamma
test the direction of relationship betw income + political support by comparing every pair of cases + ignoring all pairs where people have same income and/or support
classify 6 pairs that differ in both income & support into “same pairs” + “different pairs”:
Computing Gamma
1) # of pairs in “same” category + subtract from # of pairs in “opposite” category:
Same Pairs – Opposite Pairs: 2 – 1 = 1
Computing Gamma
2) Add total number of pairs compared
Same Pairs + Opposite Pairs: 2 + 1 = 3
3) divide 1) by2): (2–1)/(2+1)= .33
Interpreting Gamma
33 percent more of pairs compared had “same” ranking, rather than opposite ranking
as income level increases, support for Rob Ford seems stronger
Interpreting Gamma
more ppl in sample higher income = higher support Than opposite
if negative number, 33% more that show higher income, lower support
Interpreting Gamma
33 percent more of the pairs that had the “opposite” ranking than the same ranking:
as income level increases, political support for Ford seems weaker
Gamma: The Reality
In reality, way more cases + more than 2 ordinally ranked categories
Resulting in 100s or 1000s of pairs to compare
Makes calculation by hand difficult long way, but pg 442, of your Textbook illustrates a shortcut which can be used by hand or is used by computer programs.
Measures of Association with Interval/Ratio Level Variables
Lambda: reducing error by guessing most frequently occurring category (mode)
Gamma: reducing error in guessing relationship betw 2 variables with ordinally ranked categories
Measures of Association with Interval/Ratio Level Variables
Pearson’s r: focuses on reducing error in guessing exact value of 1 variable by knowing exact value of other
Measures of Association with Interval/Ratio Level Variables
errors in guessing how well value of Y corresponds with X always minimized by guessing how far actual values of X + Y deviate from mean values of X + Y
Sum of squared deviations from mean divided by number of cases:
X:98/7 = 14;
Y: 21320.87/7= 3045
variance in error from guessing from mean smaller than variance in error from guessing from median (so the mean is always our best guess)
Pearson’s r
Pearson’s r correlation: testing strength + direction
of association betw 2 interval/ratio level (count) variables
Strength: size of # indicates how strongly 2 variables associated
Effect size is capped at 1, with values closer to 0 indicating weaker correlation
Pearson’s r
Direction: correlation +/–, depending in whether values of 1 variable move in same direction as the other/opposite direction
measures the linearity, (more variable/less variable)
doesn’t = slope
Positive Correlation: Values increase together
Negative Correlation: One value increases while other
size of the value shows how good the correlation is + if positive/negative