soc 5-principles of training Flashcards
what are the principles of training (SPIF)?
-progressive overload
-individual needs
-fitt(frequency, intensity, time, type.)
matching training to the requirements of an activity
progressive overload
the term ‘overload’ is used to describe when an athlete trains more than they normally do, this is the only way athletes can improve fitness.
what is the definition of individual needs?
matching the training requirement of an individual need
what does fit stand for?
-Frequency- how often someone trains
-Intensity- how hard someone trains
-Type- the method of training to acheive particular goals
-Time- how long each training session must last
what does rrro stand for?
why is rest and recovery important?
the human body reacts to a hard training session by increasing its ability to cope with future punishing training sessions. this process is called adaptation but it only happens when you rest as your body has time to recover, repairing and strengthening itself between workouts
the period of time allocated to recovery
repair of damage to the body caused by training or competition
your body’s response to training and how your body changes to cope with new activity
training beyond your body’s ability to recover
what is reversibility?
gradually losing fitness instead of progressing or remaining at the current level
what do thresholds do?
set levels for people to train that are effective but still safe
what are the target zones?
aerobic and anaerobic
what are the limits in aerobic training?