Small for Dates Flashcards
Definition of SGA
born with birth weight below 10th centile or abdominal circumference (AC)/estimated fetal weight below 10th centile on USS
Definition of LBW
birth weight <2500g
Definition of fetal growth restriction (FGR)
failure to achieve genetic potential for growth i.e. there’s a pathological restriction of potential growth,
AC or EFW below 3rd centile OR,
AC or EFW below 10th gentile & placental dysfunction evident
Give the two findings that classify as placental dysfunction that can be used to determine presence of FGR
abnormal maternal uterine doppler at 20-24weeks gestation AND/OR,
abnormal umbilical artery doppler
All SGA fetus are growth restricted, T/F?
False - up to 70% of SGA fetus are constitutionally small (just are small due to factors explained here)
When should interventions for SGA should be considered and why?
When SGA below 3rd centile because more likely to have underlying pathology
List 3 placental causes of SGA
secondary to hypertension
List 3 fetal causes of SGA
congenital abnormality e.g. absent kidneys,
chromosomal abnormalities
List 3 fetal infections that can cause SGA
SGA and FGR increases risks of what for baby? (9)
stillbirth, iatrogenic preterm birth, antenatal and intrapartum hypoxia, hypoglycaemia, chronic asphyxia, hypothermia, hyperbilirubinaemia, polycythaemia, abnormal neurodevelopment,
List 8 causes of maternal poor cardiac reserve for the cardiovascular-placental axis
maternal age, obesity, ethnicity, diabetes, dyslipidaemia, auto-immune disease, chronic HTx, CKD
List 4 causes of fetal excessive demand on the cardiovascular-placental axis
fetal macrosomia,
twin pregnancy,
prolonged pregnancy,
excessive weight gain
If mother has poor cardiac reserve this can affect pregnancy and baby can have fetal growth restriction. It can also lead to pre-eclampsia, list 4 signs of pre-eclamspia?
cerebral oedema,
liver dysfunction
How do you take a fundal height measurement?
non-elastic tape at top of fundus,
tape to top of pubic symphysis,
plot on chart
Referrals for growth scan after fundal height measurement should be arranged if? (4)
first FH plots below 10th centile,
no growth,
slow growth,
excessive growth
Growth scan comprises of what? (2/3)
USS for EFW, amniotic fluid assessment plus Doppler flow if scan suggest growth problems
Symphsis-fundal height is done by midwife at each visit from how many weeks?
24 weeks
How is SGA diagnosed?
US measurement of AC and calculation of EFW,
plotted on chart
List 10 minor risk factors for SGA
maternal age >35, IVF pregnancy, nulliparity, BMI <20, BMI 25-34.9, smoker 1-10/day, low fruit pre-pregnancy, previous pre-eclampsia, pregnancy interval <6 months, pregnancy interval >60 months
List 13 major risk factors for SGA
maternal age >40, smoker >11/day, daily vigorous exercise, BMI >35, low PAPP-A, paternal/maternal SGA, previous SGA, previous stillbirth, pre-eclampsia previous, chronic HTx, diabetes, renal probs, antiphospholipid syndrome, known large fibroids,
What sign at 20 weeks can indicate SGA?
presence of uterine artery notching at 20 weeks on dopplers
How often USS with umbilical doppler and liquor volume done if moderate risk factors for SGA?
USS at 32 and 36 weeks
How often USS with umbilical doppler and liquor volume done if major risk factors for SGA?
28, 32 and 36 weeks
Who is given 150mg aspirin at night from 12 weeks?
Women with risk factors for pre-eclampsia,
or uterine artery notching at anomaly scan
How are those with SGA surveilled? (5)
serial growth scans, measurement of liquor volume, use of umbilical artery doppler, maybe use of advanced doppler (middle cerebral artery, ductus venosus) maybe offer genetic testing. maybe offer infection screening,
If SGA below 3rd gentile, offer delivery when and aim to deliver by when?
from 37 weeks,
aim to have delivered by 37+6
If SGA between 3rd and 10th gentile, offer delivery when?
offer delivery at 39weeks
Mode of delivery for SGA?
If dopplers normal and no other concern, vaginal delivery by induction of labour,
if umbilical doppler abnormal then c-section offered as increased chance of foetal distress in labour
SGA labour is monitored how?
continuous CTG
If early delivery is indicated, what is offered? (2)
steroids between 24-35+6weeks,
magensium sulphate below 32 weeks
WHO target for 2025 and LBW?
reduce LBW by 30% by 2025
What is uterine artery notching caused by?
increased uterine artery resistance
Uterine artery notching after 20wks is associated with what 5 adverse pregnancy outcomes?
pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH), pre-eclampsia, placental abruption, intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), increased maternal serum alpha fetoprotein (MSAFP)
sFlt-1 is an antagonist of Placental growth factor (PlGF) and vascular endothelial growth factor. sFlt-1 causes vasoconstriction and endothelial damage so a high ratio of sFlt-1 to PlGF is associated with an increased risk of? (2)
FGR and pre-eclamspia