Small Animal Behaviour Flashcards
Rodents are in the family…
How many species of hamster, which are pet species?
Golden, Syrian, Siberian, Russian hamsters
Are hamsters social animals
No, solitary
What senses do hamsters largely rely on
Hearing, somatic sensation, olfaction
Hamster vocalization
Few vocalizations, only when hurt, frightened, fighting, handled
Teeth chattering between males
What kind of secretions are scent communication in hamsters
Flank gland, ear gland, vaginal, urine, feces, saliva
Example of non-social scent marking in hamsters
Before or after grooming
What does scent communicate in hamsters
Identity, sexual receptivity, territory
When are hamsters most active
Twilight to evening
High light causes what in hamsters
Decreased movement, exploration (sleep)
Is hamster vision mostly panoramic or binocular?
Evidence of depth perception in hamsters?
Can find small holes when running
Hamsters rely largely on what to move around
Tactile information (forepaws and whiskers)
Hamster natural habitat:
dry, rocky steppes or bushy slopes
live in burrows with tunnels
How well do hamsters tolerate heat/cold
Tolerate cold, easily heat stressed above 34C
Hamster housing needs to provide…
Normal physiological/behavioural needs (resting, nest building, grooming, exploring, climbing, hiding, digging, hoarding, gnawing)
Predominant behaviours of hamsters…
Climbing, burrowing
Subfamily of guinea pigs
Describe guinea pig social hierarchies
Stable once established
Multiple types (linear, despotic)
Females may form loose, flexible hierarchies
Guinea pig locomotion
Walking, running, hoping
Leap/dash when started
Why is cover-seeking common in guinea pigs
Response to visual/auditory cues
Guinea pigs are diurnal, meaning
Awake during the day
What kind of vision do guinea pigs have
Scent cues in guinea pigs used for…
Individual recognition, lead to aggression or affiliation
How do guinea pigs initiate interaction
Nose to nose investigation, nuzzling of muzzles
Guinea pigs can detect sounds up to…
What are the 11 sounds of guinea pigs
Chut, purr, chutter, whine, low whistle, squeal, scream, tweet, drrr, chirrup
When do guinea pigs make sounds
Increased proximity, greeting, regain proximity, pain/distress, alarm
Purrrr or drrrr sounds can be…
socially facilitated
How do vocalizations form/maintain mother-offspring bonds in guinea pigs
Pup calls convey information about condition
Chinchilla family…
Chinchillas were originally domesticated for…
Their fur (40-50 hairs per follicle)
Chinchillas originate from
the andes
Chinchilla eating characteristics
Obligate herbivore, hindgut fermenter, coprophagic
Consume cacti, grasses, shrubs
What senses do chinchillas rely heavily on
What do chinchillas use to assist navigating enclosed environments
Specialized vibrissae (whiskers)
Chinchilla social behaviour:
Live in groups (up to hundreds) = safety, play, grooming
Distressed if alone (one neutered female, one neutered male ideal)
All raise young
Chinchilla communicate largely through
Vocalizations, scent cues, body language
How do chinchillas defend themselves when alarmed
Stand on hind legs, precise stream of urine directed at threat
Chinchillas most active during…
Low temperatures, dull light (evening to early morning; nocturnal)
How far can chinchillas travel? why
up to 285 acres, foraging
Chinchilla locomotion…
Active, climb
Short forelegs (grasp food)
Long hind legs for bursts of strength
Rudder like tail (balance)
Chinchilla required two specific things in their house…
“Digging boxes” with sterilized sand/soil
Dust baths at least twice weekly (silver sand)
Why do chinchillas need dust baths
Remove dirt/oil off coat (behavioural need)
Ferret family…
Ferret in latin means
Little thief
Ferrets originally domesticated for
Hunting, pest control
Ferrets rely mostly on what senses
Olfaction, audible cues
Ferrets most sensitive to sounds at
4-15 kHz
Secretory glands in ferrets…
anal sacs, proctodeal glands, preputial glands, sebaceous glands
How do ferrets deposit scent
Rub neck, flank, sides on ground, rolling
Urine marking using belly crawl
Ferret locomotion…
Crawl, walk, run (back arched)
Pivot, run backwards, right themselves when falling
Belly crawling
Hop and ‘dance’ = excited
Common ferret vocalizations
Chattering (alarm), chuckling (greeting), clucking, hissing
Ferret housing needs..
Horizontal/vertical space
Sleeping spots for cuddling
Good ventilation
No substrate