Dog Behaviour Flashcards
Dog/cat taxonomical order?
Miacidae family includes
small, slender, tree dwelling predators
When were dogs domesticated
12,000-15,000 yrs ago
Miacines include
Dogs, other canids, bears, weasels, raccoons
Closest living relative to the dog
grey wolf (canis lupus)
How were wolves domesticated
Ice age= ppl less nomadic, wolves that tolerated humans got food/shelter, were then bred/selected for over generations
Domestication vs tameness
Tameness = individual level (in one lifetime) (fight/flight threshold smaller)
Domestication = species level
produce the same phenotype regardless of variability of its environment or genotype
Purpose of ritualized signals?
Dominance, submission & appeasement enhance survival and reproductive chances of individuals and the pack
What social variation is observed in dogs in pair relationships? Why?
In some cases, ranks are obvious (dog guards food, bed, toys, etc w/ aggression)
In other dogs, not obvious (might guard food, not toys, multiple-dog houses might not guard at all (no competition for resources))
Selective breeding for different functions
What is meant by social referencing. Example?
Dogs pick up on emotional, behavioural, communicative cues presented by owners, mirrors them back.
e.g. when leaving for vacation, if you’re stressed so are they
Example of sporting breeds and characteristics
Pointers, setter, retrievers, spaniels
Aid hunters (locate, flush, retrieve game)
Energetic and active, trainable, social, low aggressivity
Characteristic of hounds (breeds, personality, use)
Scent and sight
Hunting (scent hounds and sight hounds)
Independent (ahead of hunter)
Greyhounds and whippets (sight), bloodhounds, etc
Characteristics of working breeds and examples
Akita, boxer, rottweiler, husky, etc
Guard property/livestock, pull sleds, water rescues
high reactivity, moderate-high in aggression
Strong bond to one person or family, highly trainable
Characteristics of terriers & breeds
Mini schnauzer, wire fox terrier, bull terrier
Find/kill small rodents (high instinct to chase small things)
Independent (when they see a small animal, they go), low-medium trainability, reactive
Predatory response, inter-dog aggression
Characteristics and examples of toy breeds
Chihuahua, Pekinese, pug, poodle, shih tzu
Miniaturization of other breed (behaviour similar to larger)
Neotenized features (youthful features)
Bonding w humans, puppy-like behaviours, highly trainable
Herding breed characteristics and examples
Border collie, german shepherd, shetland sheepdog
Move livestock, highly trainable
Strong bond, reactive, high chase instinct
What is coprophagy
Ingesting feces
Feeding behaviour of canids
Opportunistic scavengers, hunt prey and hoard excess
Why would dogs do coprophagy?
Mostly small (not uniquely)
Nutritional deficits, genetics, learned behaviour?
Concerning bc of parasites
How many scent receptors do dogs have
220 million
What frequencies can dogs hear up to vs child
45 KHz (ultrasound)
Child = 20 KHz
What percent of wolf vocalization is barking?
What is crepuscular? What kind of canids are crepuscular
In cooler temperatures, opportunity to hunt prey greater
Dingos, African wild dogs
When do wolves and foxes hunt
What kind of biological rhythm do dogs follow?
sleep when their owners do
What is polyphasic?
several bouts of sleep per night (phases of sleep cycle)
When is group behaviour learned
Puppy development, 5-6 wks (play fighting in litter)