SLT Flashcards
A03.1- strength/ weakness
strength_ bandura 1961 boy and malerole model agressive acts 25.8 with female 12.4
weakness- low eco val not rep real life - hit back
link to crime / criminals
weakness: freshback and singer- agressive TV carthartic effect allowed adolesncence release agression indirectly
strength: bandura 1965: reward and no concequence- 2.5 - av
punishment 1.5- av
weakness: shows agression doesnt mean become criminals
link to crime/ criminals
patterson- - agg children raised in agressive homes strict disicpline agressive role models teach children agression acceptable way to deal with conflict
weakness- reductionist- bio + personality
weakness- correlational no cause and effect unethical to see if SL will lead toindividuals becoming criminal
effect of films that show villian not get a concequence
role models in prisons - ex prisoners - reformed
age certification