Labelling Flashcards
labelling is where people make assumptions about others based on expectations
stigma= powerful negative labels that can affect someones self concept
informal labelling - labelling from someone who is not authoritised to tell deviant from non- deviant e.g. parent’ trouble maker
formal labelling- labelling from someone who has the authority to tell deviant from non- deviant
farrignton0 found that in a study of criminals- mix of males and female offender, in interview asking about SLT, labelling and personality the variables that were most correlated with the crimes they commited for women was labelling especially from their parents which increased the risk 19.2 X to commit a violent crime
weakness- intervirews
- social desirability
- retrospective
-not reliable- subjective to interpretation
retrospective labelling - if someone has been given a lebl people that know their past may change theutrbpast to fit in eith the new label e.g. recently labelled as a criminal people may say ‘ they were aleays destined to become one’
projective labelling- somone who has been given a leble in childhood using it to say what will happen to them in later life- they are bound to become a criminal
CHIRICOS et al in florida 2 people convicted of the same crime one may be convicted of felony and have reduced rights and the other may not, study looked at 95,919 offenders of both sexes in They found that being given the ‘felony’ label significantly increased the probability of subsequent convictions. They also found that the effect of labelling was particularly strong amongst white offenders, female offenders and those who were aged above 30 years at the time of their first conviction. Therefore labelling has a string effect on individuals.
strength- large sample size, also used a range of different typws of criminals - more represntitive
labels can lead to futher cirmes as individuals may act in ways to fufil the labels, they may also be rejectef from groups of society e.g. parents cuasing futher crime. difficult to change or remove label once it has been enforced. others may treat them diffrerently, seen as untrustowrthy, they have been stigmatised, negative connotations
weakness- reductionist simplieies complex behaviour of agression into simple components of a lable, empahsis on how the label is given but not what causes it e.g. personality
weakness - deterministic- assumes people are passive and have no free will, not everyibe who has been labelled becomes criminal
application - strength- knowledge of labelling can reduce negative effects by bringing the offender back into the community to avoid the isolation and discriminatory treatment