Practical Investigation Flashcards
Aim to investigate whether there are differences in the number of participants who responded correctly and incorrectly when asked a leading question about identification compared to a non-leading question in eyewitness recall
A01 on ipad notes
Weakness Sample consisted of 20, 17 females, three males aged 17 to 18 psychology students at King Edwards Stourbridge
Lacks generalisability limited sample , ethnocentric, not representative of people from a different culture and age.
Weakness- Small sample only 20 ppts- anomalies can impact findings- lowers validity
Strength- High generalisability, memory is universal therefore findings on leading questions should be applicable to everyone.
Weakness- opportunity sample of psychology students, which have previous knowledge about leading questions, which could lead to demand characteristics, decreasing validity
Low external validity, not representative of real life, watched a video, who done it, emotions, stress, anxiety and consequences not the same as in real life.
Strength- High reliability, all watched same 2 minute clip, 7 minute interference task, one minute note taking etc … therefore we can repeat to test for consistency of influence of leading questions on recall
Strength - lotus and palmer found similar findings, found that when watching the same car crash video clip and exposed to verbs suggesting - finish
Weakness- yuile and cut shall and
Strength- independent measures- more valid behaviour less likely to guess aims of study
High shows us that leading questions do impact recall, therefore should use cognitive recall, which use free recall to prevent post event information impacting recall, to avoid people being wrongly convicted.