Skull & meninges Flashcards
How many bones make up the skull?
What are the divisions of the skull?
- Cranial vault: Space in which brain is located
- Facial skeleton: Anterior part of skull making up face
- Base: Contains the floor of the cranial cavity
What are the bones making up the cranial vault?
- Ethmoid
- Frontal
- Sphenoid
- Occipital
- Temporal
- Parietal
What are the features of the ethmoid bone?
- Cribriform plate
- Crista galli
- Perpendicular plate
- Superior/middle conchae
- Ethmoid air cells
What are the features of the frontal bone?
- Air sinuses
- Superciliary arch
- Supra-orbital notch
What are the features of the sphenoid bone?
- Greater/lesser wings
- Medial/lateral pterygoid plates
- Sella turcica
- Optic canal
- Superior orbital fissure
- Foramen rotundum
- Foramen ovale
- Foramen spinosum
What are the features of the occipital bone?
- Squamous part
- Basal part
- Hypoglossal canals
- Foramen magnum
- Occipital condyles
- Internal/external occipital protuberances
- Superior nuchal line
What are the features of the temporal bones?
- Squamous part (zygomatic process, mandibular fossa)
- Petromastoid part (middle/inner ear, internal auditory meatus, facial canal, air cells)
- Tympanic part (External auditory meatus, attachment of tympanic membrane)
- Styloid part (attachment of muscles and ligaments)
What are the features of the parietal bones?
- Contains foramina for emmisary veins connecting scalp veins to dural venous sinuses
What is the pterion?
Point on lateral aspects of the skull where several bones meet, including:
- Parietal
- Temporal
- Frontal
- Sphenoid (greater wings)
What are the 3 divisions of the cranial cavity?
- Anterior cranial fossa
- Middle cranial fossa
- Posterior cranial fossa
What are the prominent features of the anterior cranial fossa?
- Cribriform plate (of ethmoid)
- Crista galli
Which part of the brain lies within the ACF?
Frontal lobe
What are the prominent features of the middle cranial fossa?
- Sella turcica (clinoid processes + pituitary fossa)
- Foramina
What are the foramina in the middle cranial fossa?
- Superior orbital fissure
- Foramen rotundum
- Foramen ovale
- Foramen spinosum
- Foramen lacerum
(Ant. → Post.)