Nose & paranasal sinuses Flashcards
What are the bony parts of the external nose?
- Superior: Nasal bones
- Inferior: Maxilla
What are the boundaries of the nostrils (naris)?
- Lateral (anterior): Major alar cartilage
- Lateral (posterior): Fibrofatty tissue
- Medial: Septal cartilage
What is the vestibule of the nose?
Extension of hairy skin into the proximal parts of the nasal cavity.
What are the components of the nasal septum?
- Anterior: Septal cartilage
- Posterior (superior): Perpendicular plate of ethmoid
- Posterior (inferior): Vomer
What are the components of the roof of the nasal cavities?
- Anterior:
1. Nasal bones
2. Nasal spine of frontal bone - Middle: Cribiform plate of ethmoid
- Posterior: Body of sphenoid
What are the components of the floor of the nasal cavities?
- Anterior: Palatine process of maxilla
- Posterior: Horizonal plate of palatine bone
What are the components of the lateral walls of the nasal cavities?
- Superior & middle conchi (ethmoid)
- Lacrimal bones
- Maxilla (frontal process)
- Inferior conchi (separate bone)
- Perpendicular plate of the palatine bone
What are the regions of the nasal cavity?
- Nasal vestibule
- Respiratory region: Largest part of nasal cavity. Lined with respiratory epithelium.
- Olfactory region: Apex of nasal cavity. Covered with columnar olfactory epithelium.
What are the main functions of the nasal conchi?
Increases musosal SA in nasal sinus to warm and humidify air.
What are the paranasal sinuses associated with the superior conchi?
- Sphenoidal sinus: Opens in the spheno-ethmoidal recess superior to the superior conchi.
- Posterior ethmoidal air cells: Opens into the superior meatus covered by superior conchi.
What are the paranasal sinuses associated with the middle conchi?
- Maxillary sinus: Opens into the floor of the semilunar hiatus in middle meatus.
- Frontal sinus: Opens into the anterior tip of the semilunar hiatus (ethmoidal infundibulum) via the frontonasal duct.
- Anterior ethmoidal air cells: Opens into the anterior tip of the semilunar hiatus (ethmoidal infundibulum).
- Middle ethmoidal air cells: Opens into the ethmoid bulla in the middle meatus, superior to the semilunar hiatus.
The opening of which duct is associated with the inferior meatus?
Nasolacrimal duct
What is significant about the opening of the maxillary sinus?
Located above the floor of the sinus, and so fluid collects much more easily and may lead to infections.
What are the relations of the maxillary sinus?
- Superolateral surface: Orbit
- Anterolateral surface: Upper molar teeth (inferior), face (anterior)
- Posterior surface: Infratemporal fossa
What type of epithelium is found within the air sinuses?
Ciliated columnar mucous secreting epithelium