Pharyngeal arches, pouches and clefts Flashcards
How many pharyngeal arches are there?
5 (1, 2, 3, 4, 6)
What are the components of the pharyngeal arches?
- Centre from paraxial mesoderm
- External covering of ectoderm
- Internal covering of endoderm
- 3 associated structures:
1. Nerve (↑←)
2. Artery (↑→)
3. Cartilage (↓)
What is the structure of the 1st pharyngeal arch?
Divided into the maxillary process and the mandibular process.
What are the bones derived from the maxillary process of arch 1?
- Pre-maxilla
- Maxilla
- Zygomatic bone
- Petrous temporal bone
What is the cartilage associated with arch 1?
Meckel’s cartilage
What are the derivatives of Meckel’s cartilage?
- Malleus
- Incus
- Lingula (mandible)
- Sphenomandibular ligament
What are the muscles associated with arch 1?
- Muscles of mastication
- Anterior belly of digastric
- Mylohyoid
- Tensor tympani
- Tensor veli palatini
What is the nerve of arch 1?
What are the derivatives of the arch 1 artery?
None - Degenerates
What is the cartilage associated with arch 2?
Reichert’s cartilage
What are the derivatives of Reichert’s cartilage?
- Stapes
- Styloid process (of temporal bone)
- Stylohyoid ligament
- Lesser horn of hyoid
What are the muscles associsted with the 2nd arch?
- Muscles of facial expression
- Buccinator
- Stapedius
- Stylohyoid
- Posterior belly of digastric
What is the nerve of arch 2?
Facial nerve [VII]
What are the derivatives of the arch 2 artery?
None - Degenerates
What are the derivatives of the arch 3 cartilage?
- Greater horn of hyoid
- Body of hyoid
What are the derivatives of the arch 3 artery?
Common & internal carotid arteries
What are the muscles associated with arch 3?
What is the nerve of arch 3?
Gossopharyngeal nerve [IX]
What are the derivatives of the arch 4 & 6 cartilage?
Laryngeal cartilages
What are the derivatives of the arch 4 artery?
- Right: Right subclavian artery
- Left: Arch of aorta
What are the derivatives of the arch 6 artery?
- Right: Right pulmonary artery
- Left: Left pulmonary artery & ductus arteriosus
What are the muscles associated with arch 4?
- Levator veli palatini
- Cricothyroid
- Pharyngeal constrictors
What is the nerve of arch 4?
Superior laryngeal branch of vagus [X]
What is the nerve of arch 6?
Recurrent laryngeal branch of vagus [X]
How many pharyngeal pouches are there?
What are the derivatives of the pouch 1?
- Eustachian tube
- Middle ear
What are the derivatives of pouch 2?
- Palatine tonsils
- Tonsilar fossa
What are the derivatives of pouch 3?
- Ventral wing: Thymns
- Dorsal wing: Inferior parathyroids
What are the derivatives of pouch 4?
- Ventral wing: Ultimobranchial body (parafollicular cells of thyroid)
- Dorsal wing: Superior parathyroids
How many pharyngeal clefts are there?
What are the derivatives of cleft 1?
External auditory meatus
What are the fates cleft 2-4?
Becomes the cervical sinus that eventually obliterates as the 2nd arch grows over the 3rd, 4th and 6th arches.
What is the derivative of the 1st pharyngeal membrane?
Tympanic membrane