skull anatomy test study guide Flashcards
How many bones are cranial bones?
How many bones make up the skull?
How many bones are facial bones?
The cranial bones are divided into two categories, what are they?
Calvaria and floor
Which bones are bones of the Calvaria?
◾️right parietal
◾️left parietal
Which bones are cranial floor bones?
◾️right temporal
◾️left temporal
Know what the Squama is on all bones?
The main portion of the bone. Body of bone. ◾️occipital ◾️frontal ◾️parietal ◾️temporal
What’s the dipole?
Inner layer of spongy bone separating two outer plates of compact tissue
What are sutures?
Joints between the cranial bones
What are fontanelles?
Areas of incomplete ossification in infant skulls.
➡️There are 6.
Where’s the coronal suture?
Between frontal and parietal bones
Where is the sagittal suture?
On top of head between two parietal bones
Where’s the squamosal suture?
Between temporal bone and parietal bones
Where’s the lambdoidal suture?
between occipital and parietal bone
What is the Bregma?
Junction of coronal and sagittal sutures
What is the lambda?
Junction of sagittal and lambdoidal sutures
When adult cranial size is usually achieved?
By age 12
What are the 3 general regions of the cranial floor?
◾️anterior cranial fossa
◾️ middle cranial fossa
◾️posterior cranial fossa
What’s the glabella?
Smooth elevated arch between the supercillary arches
What are the orbital plates?
Roofs of the orbit
What’s the supraorbital foramen?
Opening in the center of the margin
What’s the supercillary arch?
Located where the eyebrows are
What are the supraorbital margins?
Superior part of orbit
What’s the frontal eminence?
Rounded elevation on either side
What’s the Squama?
Forms forehead and anterior part of cranial vault
What are the frontal bone parts?
◾️glabella ◾️orbital plates ◾️supraorbital foramen ◾️supercillary arch ◾️supraorbital margins ◾️frontal eminence ◾️Squama
What are some ethmoid parts?
◾️superior and middle nasal conchae ◾️labyrinths ◾️perpendicular plate ◾️Cristi galli ◾️Cribiform plate
What’s the superior and middle nasal conchae?
Two thin scroll shaped projections
What’s the labyrinths?
Contains the ethmoid sinuses or air cells
What’s the perpendicular plate?
Vertical portion that forms the superior portion of bony nasal septum
What’s the Cristi galli?
Projects superiorly from midline
What’s the cribiform plate?
Horizontal portion with many small holes in it for transmission of the olfactory nerves
What is the parietal bone surrounded by?
4 sutures of the skull
What is the parietal eminence?
Prominent bulge near center of external surface of each bone
What shape is the sphenoid?
Wedge shaped or bat
Where does the pituitary gland sit?
By the anterior and posterior clinoid processes
➡️sella turcia
What’s the pterygoid hamulus?
Help form the nasal cavity
What’s the pterygoid process?
Help form the nasal cavity
What’s the posterior clinoid process?
Top borders of dorsum sellae
What’s the dorsum sellae?
Posterior part of sella turcia
What’s the tuberculum sellae?
Anterior part of sella turcia
What’s the sella turcia?
A deep depression on superior surface of the body
What are the greater wings?
arise from the sides of the body and curve laterally
The bigger ones
What are the lesser wings?
Triangular shaped and the most anterior horizontal part of the sphenoid
What’s the clivus?
Slanted area of bone posterior and inferior to dorsum
➡️pons of brains lay on it
What’s the body?
Center part of sphenoid contains the 2 sphenoid sinuses
What’s the anterior clinoid process?
Two bony processes that project posteriorly from the medial ends of lesser wings
What’s the optic foramen?
Located under lesser wings and projects into posterior orbit
➡️opens into the apex of the orbit
What are some parts of the sphenoid?
◾️pterygoid hamulus ◾️pterygoid process ◾️posterior clinoid process ◾️dorsum sellae ◾️tuberculum sellae ◾️sella turcia ◾️greater wings ◾️lesser wings ◾️clivus ◾️body ◾️anterior clinoid process ◾️optic foramen
What are some parts of the occipital bone?
◾️occipitoatlantal joint
◾️foramen magnum
◾️basilar portion
◾️occipital condyles
What’s the occipitoatlantal joint?
Only bony articulations between the skull and the neck
What’s the foramen magnum?
Large opening through which medulla oblongata passes as it exits
What’s the basilar portion?
Where occipital condyles fuse at to complete the foramen magnum
➡️occipital bone
What are the occipital condyles?
They project anteriorly from each side of squama
What’s some parts of the temporal bone?
◾️petromastoid portion ◾️zygomatic process ◾️styloid process ◾️tympanic portion ◾️IAM ◾️petrous portion ◾️mastoid process ◾️EAM ◾️mandibular fossa
What’s the petromastoid portion?
The petrous and mastoid portions together
➡️contains the organs of hearing and balance
What’s the zygomatic process?
Prominent arched process that projects anteriorly to articulate with the zygoma and complete the zygomatic arch
➡️part of the zygomatic arch
What’s the styloid process
Slender pointed bone projecting from the EAM
What’s the tympanic portion?
Below the squama and in front of mastoid and petrous portions
What’s IAM.?
Internal auditory meatus. Located at the medial end of the petrous ridge
➡️correlates with EAM but is inside the skull
What is the Petrous portion?
Located internally, pyramid in shape, and the thickest densest bone in the cranium
➡️densest bone in the cranium
What’s the mastoid process?
Large bony prominence located directly behind the EAM and contains the mastoid air cells
What’s the EAM?
Outer opening into the ear
What’s the mandibular fossa?
Receives condyles of mandible to form the tempormandibular (TMJ)
Where’s the mastoid tip?
Bump behind the ear
What is the ear?
The organ of hearing
What’s the TEA? (Top of ear attachment)
Where ear attaches to head
What’s the EAM?
External auditory meatus, opening into the ear
What’s the mental point of the mandible?
Tip of chin
What’s the gonion?
Angle of mandible
What’s the EOP?
External occipital protuberance; bump on back of head
What’s the acanthion?
Junction of the upper lip and nose
What’s the supraorbital margin?
Upper border of orbit
What’s the infraorbital margin?
Lower border of the orbit
What’s the nasion?
Located at the junction of nose and frontal bones between the eyes depression
What’s the outer canthus?
Outside corner of the eye
Inner canthus?
Inside corner of eye
Where’s the glabella?
Between eyebrows
What’s the angle of mandible?
What’s the mentomeatal line? (MML)
Mental point ➡️ EAM
What’s the acanthiomeatal line?(AML)
What’s the IPL(interpupillary line)?
Perpendicular line between pupils of eyes
What’s the glabellomeatal line? GML
What’s the infraorbital line? (IOML)
From infraorbital margin ➡️ EAM
What’s the orbitomeatal line? OML
Outer canthus ➡️ EAM
What’s the MSP?
Divides body into equal right and left halves
What’s MCP?
Divides the body into equal anterior and posterior parts
Look over these diagrams
Pg 286