Skull Flashcards
What are the 8 cranial bones? Which ones are paired? Unpaired?
Paired: parietal and temporal
Unpaired: frontal, occipital, sphenoid, and ethmoid
What are the 14 facial bones? Which ones are paired? Unpaired?
Paired: zygomatic, lacrimal, nasal, palatine, maxillae, and inferior nasal conchae
Unpaired: vomer and mandible
Where does the falx cerebri attach to and what is its function?
Attaches to frontal crest (and crista galli of ethmoid bone) and it is the protective connective tissue for the brain
After brain surgery, what is typically done to facilitate healing?
Bone is wired or plated while healing and healing is best when the flap (bone) incorporates the overlaying tissues (skin, muscle, fascia)
Where would you find the coronal suture?
Articulation between frontal and both parietal bones
Where would you find the sagittal suture?
Articulation between both parietal bones
Where would you find the lambdoid suture?
Articulation between parietal and occipital bones
Where would you find the squamous suture?
Articulation between temporal and parietal bones
What is the function of the foramen magnum in the occipital bone?
Passageway for brainstem and numerous arteries and nerves
What is the function of the superior nuchal line on the occipital bone?
Attachment site for muscles of the back and neck
What happens in the skull when nodding your head “yes”?
Occipital condyles articulate with the cervical vertebrae
What is the importance of the sella turcica of the sphenoid bone?
Pituitary gland sits in this cranial depression
What is the function of the foramen rotundum of the sphenoid bone?
Exit point for maxillary branch of CN V (CN V2)
What is the function of the foramen ovale of the sphenoid bone?
Exit point for mandibular branch of CN V (CN V3)
What is the function of the foramen spinosum of the sphenoid bone?
Exit point for middle meningeal artery
What are some important features of the sphenoid bone?
Unites the cranial and facial bones, articulates with almost every bone in the skull, and it contains the sphenoid sinuses
What is the function of the crista galli of the ethmoid bone?
Attachment site for falx cerebri (also attaches to frontal crest)
What is the function of the orbital plate of the ethmoid bone?
Forms medial wall of the orbit
What is the function of the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone?
Superior portion of nasal septum
What is the importance of the cribiform plate of the ethmoid bone?
Olfactory nerve descends along the lateral borders of this plate
What is the function of the cribiform foramina of the ethmoid bone?
Passageway for olfactory nerve branches
What is the function of the orbital surface of the zygomatic bone?
Forms lateral wall of the orbit
What is the function of the lacrimal bone?
Forms part of medial wall of each orbit
What is the function of the lacrimal groove of the lacrimal bone?
Passageway of nasolacrimal duct
What bone(s) form the bridge of the nose?
Nasal bone (paired bones that come together)
What is the function of the ala of the vomer bone?
Articulates with sphenoid bone
What is the function of the vertical plate of the vomer bone?
Forms inferior portion of nasal septum
What is the function of the orbital process of the palatine bone?
Part of medial floor of orbit
What is the function of the perpendicular plate of the palatine bone?
Lateral wall of nasal cavity
What is the function of the horizontal plate of the palatine bone?
Posterior portion of hard palate
What is the function of the palatine process of the maxilla?
Posterior portion of hard palate
What is the function of the incisive foramen of the maxilla?
Separates hard palate from anterior nasal spine
What is the function of the alveolar process of the maxilla?
Holds teeth of the upper jaw
What is the importance of the maxillary sinus of the maxilla?
Largest paranasal sinus in the skull
What are the primary types of a maxillary fracture?
Le Fort I-III
What is important about the inferior nasal concha?
Considered its own bone, but superior and middle concha are part of the ethmoid bone
What makes up the orbital complex?
Roof: lesser wing of sphenoid, frontal bone
Medial Wall: frontal process of maxilla, lacrimal bone, lateral mass of ethmoid
Floor of Orbit: perpendicular plate of palatine, orbital surface of maxilla, zygomatic bone
Lateral Wall: zygomatic process of frontal bone, greater wing of sphenoid, orbital surface of zygomatic bone