Skills Flashcards
IGel Indications
Supraglottic device refers to i-Gel.
To manage and maintain a compromised airway in the patient with absent pharyngeal and laryngeal reflexes.
IGel Contras
Intact gag reflex
4 IGel Discontinue
- Effective ventilations (i.e.: adequate chest rise and fall) cannot be achieved (some air leakage can be expected)
- GCS of the patient increases with a return of gag reflex or patient attempts to remove
- i-Gel is faulty.
- Regurgitation occurs and is anticipated to be compromising
Direct Laryngoscopy & Magill Forceps Indications
- To identify and remove a suspected foreign body from the hypopharynx that is preventing ventilation.
- In order to create a patent airway and an ability to achieve adequate ventilation
4 Direct Laryngoscopy & Magill Forceps Contras
- Conscious patient or Gag reflex intact
- Do not use Magill forceps if obstruction below the vocal cords.
- SpO2 reading of 90% and ventilation is achievable
- Suspected epiglottitis.
Peripheral IV Access
Intravenous access for fluid or drug administration.
Peripheral IV Access
-Directly over or distal to: —Burns —Cellulitis —Infection —Injury -Patients with chlorhexidine sensitivity/allergy, use 10% povidone-iodine swab
Peripheral IV Access
If multiple failed attempts, consider whether vascular access is necessary to manage current patient presentation.
External Jugular Access
Intravenous access for fluid or drug administration.
External Jugular Access
-Directly over or distal to: —Burns —Cellulitis —Infection —Injury -Patients with chlorhexidine sensitivity/allergy, use 10% povidone-iodine swab
External Jugular Access
If multiple failed attempts, consider whether vascular access is necessary to manage current patient presentation.
Prehospital Blood Sample Collection
The acquisition of pre-hospital phlebotomy has proven to result in shorter ED times by having the bloods sent to the lab earlier.
Prehospital Blood Sample Collection
- Any patient whose clinical condition does not warrant IV cannulation.
- Children <16 years old.
Dopes (D)
- Check etCO2 value/waveform.
- Look at tube position; does it look displaced?
- Auscultate the chest
- Check placement after any move.
Dopes (O)
- Inability or severe resistance to ventilation is a very good indicator of obstruction.
- Clear Foreign Body Airway Obstruction
Dopes (P)
- Consider the signs and symptoms of pneumothorax/haemothorax.
- Consider ventilator settings.
Dopes (E)
Equipment Failure
-Consider failure of equipment starting from the oxygen cylinder straight through to the iGel and back again.
Dopes (S)
- Thick mucus might obstruct iGel.
- Suction
Intraosseous Access
Cannulation of the intraosseous space using EZ-IO:
-Cardiac arrest:
—First line cardiac arrest management for paediatrics
—Consideration for first line access in traumatic cardiac arrest
—Second line cardiac arrest management for adults following at least one failed intravenous (IV) access attempt.
-All other circumstances:
Where immediate medication administration is required following at least one failed intravenous (IV) access attempt when unable to administer via any other appropriate route.
Intraosseous Access
- Fracture to the targeted bone. (Fracture)
- IO within last 48 hours in the targeted bone.(48)
- Inability to locate landmarks or excessive tissue.(Fat)
- Prosthetic limb or joint (near insertion point).(Fake)
- Patients with chlorhexidine sensitivity/allergy, use 10% povidone-iodine swab
Intraosseous Access
If multiple failed attempts, consider whether vascular access is necessary to manage current patient presentation.