Skill classification Flashcards
continuim, skilful peformance
Characteristics of skill
aesthetically pleasing
Self paced skill
choose when the movement starts. usually closed.
Externally paced skill
control is not determined by the performer. usually open.
Discrete skill
clear beginning middle and end. repeat=start again
Serial skill
discrete skills that are put together in an order
Continuous skill
no beginning middle and end. end of one = start of next.
Simple skill
small amount of info to process. low number of decisions
Complex skill
many decision’s
Low organisation
parts of a skill can be separated and practiced
High organisation
one whole movement
What is a skill
a learned ability (to bring about predetermined results with a maximum certainty often with minimal outlay of time energy or both.)
What is an ability
a genetic characteristic that underpins sports performance. they can be developed through training but cannot be fundamentally changed.
Gross skill
large muscle groups. lots of movement
Fine skill
small muscle groups. intricate movement.
Open skill
movement effected by environment. lots of decision making.
Closed skill
not affected by the environment. self-paced.
Gross skill example
rugby tackle, triple jump.
Fine skill example
throwing a dart.
Open skill example
rugby tackle, football tackle.
Closed skill example
100m sprint, triple jump, weightlifting.
Self paced skill example
triple jump, weight lifting.
Externally paced skill example
100m sprint.
Discrete skill example
netball shot.
Serial skill example
gymnastics routine.
Continuous skill example
running, cycling, swimming.
Low organised skill example
triple jump, netball shot.
High organised skill example
100m sprint.
internal feeling.
Things to consider when choosing how to practice
task, performer , environment
nature/type of the skill. serial? open? physical/mental demands of the task
ability/stage of learning/experience. gender. motivation. age/maturity
time constraints. size of facility/group. danger/risk. sustainability of venue. fitness levels.