Skill, Ability & Application Flashcards
Organisation Continuum
- Low = made up of easily separated sub-routines, can be broken down easily e.g. swimming
- High = Sub routines are linked, difficult to break apart e.g. golf swing
Continuity Continuum
Discrete - Has a clear beginning and end e.g football penalty
Serial - Made up of several discrete movements e.g trampoline sequence
Continuous - Has no definite beginning or end e.g cycling
What are the 6 classifications of skill
- Continuity
- Difficulty
- Environmental
- Muscular Involvement
- Organisation
- Pacing
Environmental Continuum
Open - Affected by the environment e.g netball shot
Closed - Not affected by the environment e.g free throw
Why are skills classified ?
Enables us to analyse and understand the best way to learn and teach a skill
Difficulty Continuum
Simple - Little information processing/ decisions to make e.g sprints
Complex - High perceptual load, many decisions made, made up of sub-routines e.g tennis serve
Define Learning
The more or less permanent change in behaviour which is reflected in a change in performance. A lifelong process and performers progress through stages of learning.
Muscular Involvement Continuum
Gross - Large muscular movement, little precision e.g hammer throw
Fine - Small muscle groups involved, Intricate movement e.g bowls
Pacing Continuum
Internal - Performer controls and determines movement e.g javelin
External - externally controlled e.g a pass
Define skill
The learned ability to bring about pre-determined results with maximum capacity, often with maximum capacity, minimum outlay of time, energy or both
Define ability
- Physical attributes that effect our potential in s dport, largely determined genetically. Innate and natural
Define performance
- A demonstration of the solving of a problem or task at a givn moment, a temporary phenomenon
Psychomotor Skill
- Voluntary body movement with a predetermined result
Name some psychomotor skills
- Multi limb coordination
- Response orientation = choosing position in which actions should be made
- Speed Movement = Gross Rapid Movement
- Reaction Time = Able to respond to stimulus quickly
- Manual Dexterity = Accurate arm / hand movement involving objects at speed
Gross Motor Abilities
The action
Name some gross motor abilities
- Dynamic Strength = Exerting force repeatedly over time
- Explosive Strength = Energy used effectively for a short burst of effort
- Gross Body Equilibrium = Maintain balance using internal senses
- Gross body coordination = organisation of several body parts when moving
- Trunk Strength = Abdominal muscle strength