Joints & articulation, muscular-skeletal system, levers, analysis of movement, physical activites Flashcards
Functions of the Skeletal system
SUPPORT - Keep organs in position
- Vertebrae, pelvis and legs enable people to stand & share weight over body
- Larger bones have bone marrow
- Red marrow responsible for red blood cell production
- Hard yet flexible, withstand large force
- Joints allow diff movement
- Bones are a storage area for minerals
Long Bones
- Have greater length, lesser width
e.g Femur, Humerus
Short Bones
- Have approx same width and length
e.g Carpals and Tarsals
Flat Bone
- Appear thin, some may be curved
e.g skull
Irregular Bone
- No specific shape
e.g ethmoid. sphenoid
Sesamoid Bone
- Embedded inside a tendon
e.g patella
Define a joint
a place where 2 or more bones meet
Classify the 3 joints
Fibrous / fixed= immovable e.g cranium
Cartilaginous = slightly movable e.g vertebrae
Synovial = freely e.g shoulder, elbow
Name the types of synovial joint
- Ball and socket
- Hinge
- Pivot
- Ellipsoid = wrist
- Gliding = spine
Movement of the body
abduction (horizontal)
adduction (horizontal)
lateral flexion
make ankle joint move towards shin
Supination and pronation
Super= radio-ulnar joint makes palm face upwards
Structural function of skeletal muscles
1) heat production
2) Movement
3) Posture
4) Support
Agonist and Antagonist
AGONIST = prime mover
Antagonist = opposite action to agonist helping coordination of movement
Antagonistic muscle pair
- as one muscle contracts and shortens to produce movement the other lengthens to allow movement to take plsce
Isotonic contraction
= Tension developed in muscle while joint movement occurs
CONCENTRIC = Tension produced while muscle shortens, causing movement
ECCENTRIC = Tension produced while muscle lengthens, controlling movement
Isometric contraction
= Tensions is developed but no joint movement occurs, stopping the movement
Types of muscle fibre
Type 1 = slow
Type 2a = Fast oxidative glycolytic
Type 2b = Fast glycolytic
Characteristics of Type 1
- Aerobic
- High resistance to fatigue
Small fibre size
Characteristics of Type 2a
Force over short period lo resistance to fatigue
Characteristics of 2b
Most force produced
Low resistance for fatigue
fast speed of contraction
Advantages and Disadvantages of a 1st and 3rd class lever
+ Resitance arm is arm is longer than the effort arm = rapid movement over a large range of movement at the resistance end
- Because the effort arm is short, unable to apply a great deal of force during these movements and lift heavy loads
Advantages and disadvantages of a second class lever
+ Only a relatively small force is require to cause lever to work
+ especially good at moving heavy resistances as they produce large force
- Suffer in terms of speed of movement and range of movement