Fitness Testing and performance analysis Flashcards
What is the importance of fitness testing?
- Compare results
- Identify s+w
- Set goals = incentive to improve
- Talent identification
- Monitor Progress
How do you ensure the testing is reliable ?
- Ensure all tests carries out accurately
- Environment is consistent
- Performer should undergo a warm up and be ‘healthy’
- Multiple times to prevent errors
Reliability definition
- Results are consistent and repeated over different occasions, obtaining similar / the same results
Validity deifintion
-Whether the test is actually measuring what it is set out to do
Evaluating lab testing
+ most accurate form of measurement
- may not be specific
- costly
- requires trained individual
Evaluating field testing
+ can be conducted in a convenient location
+ cost and time effective
+ ‘real world’ situation
- Not as reliable
Sub-maximal testing
= PWC 170 Test
+ suited for sedentary individuals
+ simple test to set up
- Only provides an estimate
- Test favours cyclists
= VO2 max
+ more accurate results
+ results can be compared
+ suited for active performers and top level
- Expensive
- Not suited for inactive individuals
VO2 max is ….
Volume of oxygen your body consumes and utilises per minute
Coaching process of performance analysis
- Observation
- Analysis
- Evaluation
- feedback
- Planning
Factors that affect a coaches perception
1) vast amount of information in a game/ performance is difficult to retain
2) Pre-conceived ideas of players and opposition
3) Emotions during game can cloud judgement
4) Different coached look at different performance indicators
Qualitative vs Quantitative
Quantitative = number and is objective e.g stats
Qualitative = use of video and relate to technical and tactical. Open to opinion
Notational Analysis
= definite stats
+ Provide definite factual info
+ permanent bank of stats
+ opposition can be analysed in training
+ exploit perceived weaknesses
- difficult to process
- ‘over prepare’ players and they become suprised when tactics change
How can video analysis be used before, during and after a game?
BEFORE = Technical and tactical analysis of opponents
- Loot at current performance = whats being done in and out of play?
DURING = incidents in the 1st half can be viewed and altered
make tactical adjustments
AFTER= strengths and weaknesses assessed, coaches can plan specific training
Discuss video analysis
+ Provide permanent record, reviewed and compared
+ Players can take ownership of their development
+ Support coach feedback
- Players can expect something to happen and when it doesnt can be thrown off
- Little influence on individual sport
What does GPS System measure ?
- distance
- speed
- heart rate
- force of collision/impact
Evaluate GPS Monitoring
+ coaches can plan specific training programmes
+ training loads can be monitored to prevent injury
+ Compare players to assist with team selection
- expensive
- basing subs of physical attributes can be a very limiting method of reviewing performance
Types of video analysis
- split screen = compare to other performers
Slow motion = pick up small details
Biomechanical Analysis
= science concerned with internal and external forces acting on body and the effects. With the use of specialized cameras and sensors
+ provide specific alterations to refine technique
+ Develop specific s&c programmes to limit injury
+ produce marginal gains
- expensive
- time consuming
Analysis in sports psychology
- increased stress can cause athletes to react physically and mentally and affect their performance abilities
This is analysed in questionnaires/ interviews
Discuss performance analysis psychology
+ support underperforming players to build confidence
+ support well-being
+ support players coming back from injury
- Not everyone likes psychological intervention
- Unless psychologist knows player, info can be general