Miss McColl- Unit 2 Flashcards
When was the Industrial Revolution?
1780 - 1840
Socio-cultural factors in pre-industrial Britain
- Limited Transport/ Communications** = Limited participation, loacalised sport , not as many opportunities
- **Illiteracy/ uneducated **= Games would lack rules and structure, no governing body
- Harsh society = Violence and aggresion this links with the no rules
Seasonal Time = Affects sports being played, sports has different seasons
-** Two-tier society** = Upper - Gentry, lawn tennis
Working - Servants / peasants, mob football
Mob Football
- Violent and aggresive, a male dominated sport
- Simple rules for people to understand and due to this the number of people playing were unlimited
- No regular fixtures and were played locally and in rural environments
- Played predominantly by working lower class , servants and farmers
- Many worked long hours so this was a way to escape
- Gentry would gamble on games ( used servants to play)
Lawn Tennis
- Played by the Gentry / Upper Class
- Events were exclusive and invites only
- Rules were made as the upper class had education and was played in a civilised manner
- ## Requires more equipment than sports such as mob football however they could afford it
- Also known as ‘foot racing’
- The gentry would hire servants and race against other servants to see
- Higher class would have wagers (bets ) on the races
- Success of the race meant it brought social status for the gentlemen, act as patrons
- Patrons were upper class people who looked after lower class people
When was The Wenlock Olympic Games ?
Wenlock Games vs Todays Olympic Games
Wenlock =
-Once a year
- Local (Shropshire)
- Servants played
- Limited events
Today =
- Every 4 years
- Different country every games
- Trained athletes
- Larger funding
Stage 1 post-industrial revolution
- gave new opportunity for new jobs due to rapid development in machinery, communications and infrastructure
- mass migration to towns and cities (urbanisation)
- Lack of disposable income, wages increased however so did cost of living
- Blood sports and mob games were banned by the government as they were violent
Stage 2 Post-industrial revolution
- Health and hygiene improved e.g. public baths
- Increase wages = more disposable income
- The Factory Act and Saturday Half Day Act gave more free time
- 3 tier class system- emergence of middle class created new sports, leagues and factory teams
- Cheaper travel allowed players and spectators to travel to play and watch
Broken Time Payment
The birth of football professionals, Players now need to commit to travel, fixtures etc. Expectation for players to be given ‘broken time payement’ to compensate the loss of earnings while representing a club.
Development of communication
As literacy ability increased newspapers began to mass produce and cover major events.
This increased knowledge of sport and spectators following with the new emerging sports models and heroes
Stage 1 Public Schools (Pre - industrial)
- Harsh conditions and hooligan like behaviour
- Prefects were not role models and instead were fagging and bullying other students
- teachers had no interest in pupils outside of the classroom
- Sports took placce in natural surroundings as there were no purpose built facilities
Stage 2 - Public School Social Control
- Thomas Arnold was a devoted Christian and wanted to produce Christian gentlemen
- should play sport but for the glory of God
- Shift to schools becoming fee paying
- Bullying stopped from prefects and asked to become role models and mentors
- Time allocated for Games lessons allowed for social control
- House system introduced and gave boys a sense of worth
- Regular fixtures and competition (no inter school comps as no codified rules )
Stage 3 - Pubic School Cult of Athleticism ( Long Term)
- Magnificent games fields, wearing school caps, awarding colours were the symbol of endeavour and moral integritiy.
- Public schools increased in popularity, hence their funding increased
- Many ex pupils went to Oxbridge. Rules and ideas shared and brought back to their public schools. Leading to the emergence of interschool competition due to standardised rules made.
- Governing bodies were created
- relationship between master and boys became more friendly
How has the modern day olympics developed through the year?
- Only amateurs allow ( higher status gentlemen then professionals, which are working class)
- Strive for personal best
- Healthy competition
- Respect (play in spirit of rules)
- Effort
- Deviod Politics
- No prize money
- Taking part is what matters
- Fairplay e.g drug testing, athletes payed
- Professionals - public want to see the best
- Politics now involved
- Winning is most important
Commercialisation and Global Coverage
Who cretaed the Olympics
pierre de coubertin
- visited English Public Schools as he was fascinated by the discipline in the sporting activities and the values of fair play and sportsmanship.
By the early 1970’s there was a desire to see the worlds very best performers and these performers needed to train fulltime.
The usa introduced basketball scholarship systems and Russia = funded programmes
= 1980 Moscow Olympics transitioned towards professionalism
Example of no prize money allowed
- Stripped of all gold medals as once accepted money for semi-pro baseball in college
JIm Thorpe
What did ex pupils go onto do after school?
- Clergy and missionary = travelled and spread to other churches and taught football
- Military = spread across british empire
- Civil Service = recreational clubs
Emergence of Modern sport and how it has change through time
- leisure activity for upper class
- no financial gain for amateur gentlemen as it would lose them their status
- Only participation is important ; honesty, integrity, respect
- Fairplay e.g drug testing, athletes payed
- Professionals - public want to see the best
- Politics now involved
- Lombardians ethics = Winning is most important
Commercialisation and Global Coverage