Skeletal System Flashcards
Short bone
- generally short and cube shaped
- contain mostly spongey bone
Long bone
- typically longer than they are wide
- have a shaft with heads at both ends
- contain mostly compact bone
Flat bone
-thin, flattened and usually curved
-2 thin layers of compact bone surround a layer of spongey bone
(Skull, ribs, sternum)
Irregular bone
-irregular shape
-dont fit into other bone classification categories
(Vertebrae, hip bones)
Diaphysis (anatomy of a long bone)
- shaft
- composed of compact bone
- outside covering of the diaphysis
- fibrous connective tissue
Epiphysis (anatomy of a long bone)
- ends of the bone
- composed mostly of spongy bone
Arteries (anatomy of a long bone)
-supply bone cells with nutrients
Osteon (haversian system)
a unit of bone containing central canal and matrix rings
Central (haversian) canal
- opening in the center of an osteon
- carries blood vessels and nerves
Perforating (volkmans) canal
- canal perpendicular to the central canal
- carries blood vessels and nerves
Mature bone cells
Bone forming cells
When osteoclasts are greater than osteoblasts…
= osteoporosis
Osteoclasts destroying cells
Break down bone matrix for remodeling and release of calcium in response to parathyroid hormone