SIJ dysfunction Flashcards
(true/false) The SIJ has some movement
(true/false) The SIJ has the strongest ligaments in the body.
What are the 3 intraarticular ligaments of the SIJ?
- anterior SI ligament
- posterior SI ligament
- interosseous SI ligament
What are the three extraarticular ligaments of the SIJ?
- sacrotuberous
- sacrospinous
- iliolumbar
If a patient has pain on the superior aspect of their ischial tuberosity, what is indicated?
Inflammed sacrotuberous ligament
If a patient has pain on the inferior aspect of their ischial tuberosity, what is indicated?
hamstring pathology
What is the most common SIJ ligament to be injured?
If a patient is TTP in the L5 region, this can be an indication of inflammation to what ligament?
iliolumbar ligament
How many muscles attach to the SIJ?
35 muscles
What is the common patient history of SIJ dysfunction?
Can be seen with any age
Very common post-partum (50%)
Pain reported w/ sit-stand transfers, rolling, prolonged sitting (esp slouch sitting) and/or standing
Relief with movement, stretching
Unilateral pain located distal to L5
Can refer to lateral buttock (most common), groin, anterior thigh, posterior thigh, PSIS, pubic symphysis, or distally into LE.
Can sometimes be result of traumatic MOI (fall, slip on ice, MVA with foot on brake, heavy lifting) or benign MOI such as sitting cross-legged on floor and reaching to the side (often post-partum when playing with baby)
Symptoms most often proximal to knee
(true/false) Certain non-MSK conditions can manifest in the SIJ as a primary site.
What is a typical physical exam for a patient with SIJ dysfunction?
No centralization or peripheralization of symptoms with lumbar AROM/ repeated movement testing
(+) Fortin Finger Sign with (-) Tuber’s Sign
May show (+) Active SLR, (+) FABER Test for PSIS or lateral hip/buttock pain
(-) Faber when SIJ is stabilized
(+) Trendelenburg Test or decreased unilateral SLS time on symptomatic side
No Motor Weakness, DTR changes, or LMN signs
> 3/5 (+) tests of Laslett’s 5 test cluster
What TBC is most commonly indicated for SIJ dysfunction?
What test in Laslett’s cluster is the most sensitive?
Thigh thrust
What test in Laslett’s cluster is the most specific?
Distraction test
Those with SIJ dysfunction can see asymmetry in ____ and ___ ROM.
What are specific pain-provoking positions for SIJ dysfunction?
tailor sitting
side sitting
crossing legs
prolonged static postures