Shoulder injuries Flashcards
what is most common nontraumatic cause of shoulder pain?
impingement syndrome
impingement syndrome results from what?
approximation of acromion and greater tubercle of humerus causing entrapment of rotator cuff tendons
Primary factor of impingement syndrome
muscualr imbalance at shoulder exacerbated by external rot muscles weakness and highly trained IR muscles
Impingement syndrome can lead to what?
postural abnormalities such as ant shoulder carriage w/ excessive IR (shoulder rounded fwd)
adaptive shortening and fibrosis of IR
inflamed RC tendons
Most common factor for chronic RC disorders
progressive loss of ER due to fibrosis or adaptive shortneing of IR
PREdisposing factors for impingement syndrome
biomech unsound exs
sports like swimming
lifting wts w/ poor form
training same area too often (overtraining ant delt, pec major, and lats)
Treatment of impingement syndrom is heavlily focused on what and includes?
retraining proper exs and posture, which includes strengthening and improving F(f) of ERs, stretching IRs, and eliminating training errors that started the dysfunction in first place
what is primary factor of impingement syndrome?
muscular imbalance at shoulder exacerbated by External RC muscles and highly trained internal Rot muscles (prime movers)
Thoracic outlet syndrome is related to what factors?
biomechx, poor posture, and shoulder muscle imbalance
TOS is what?
Thoracic outlet syndrome is compression of neurovascular bundle (brachial plexus and axillary artery/vein) in axillary region
Thoracic outlet syndrome RESULTS IN WHAT SYMPTOMS?
pain, numbness, and tingling in upper extremity usually in 4th and 5th digits of hand
3 sites of compression in Thoracic outlet syndrome:
between first rib and anterior scalene muscle
pec minor muscle or clavicle
How is Thoracic outlet syndrome treated??
correcting fauly biomechancs, strengthening RC,and stretching shoulder IR and scalenes
GH dislocation occurs anteriorly due to
capsular tears
Mech of GH JT dislocation is what?
excesive abd, ext rot, and extension of shoulder
What should be done if suspected GH Jt dislocation?
stabilize shoulder is vital to prevent any further damage, particularly neurological structures
AC jt seperation due to what?
direct blow to shoulder or falling on outstrectched arm
S and S of AC jt sep
elevation of the distal clavicle and sharp pain in jt
RC tendon tears (supraspin) can be cuased by what?
forceful throwing and improper weight-lifting technqiues