Shoulder cuff tendinopathy Tests Flashcards
painful arc tests
Onset of pain as the humeral head passes under the acromial arch between 70 – 120° abduction
As the arm rotates and elevates further the impingement is reduced
May be more pronounced on lowering arm
painful arc tests for what injury
RC Tendinopathy
Shoulder Impingement Syndrome
empty can test
Arm in 90° flexion, midway abduction, internally rotated.
Apply resisted abduction- it should be painfree and show no weakness.
Positive if it reproduces the patient’s symptoms and /or
empty can tests for what injury
RC tendinopathy
hawkins and kennedy tests
Patient’s arm in 90° abduction over your arm with your hand on their shoulder
Medially rotate their humerus, then move anteriorly repeating medial rotation.
Positive if it reproduces the patient’s symptoms
hawkins and kennedy test tests for
Shoulder impingement syndrome
drop arm tests
Patient sitting or standing.
The arm is passively raised to above 90 abduction
The patient then actively lowers the arm to 90 abduction in internal rotation
drop arm tests for
rotator cuff tear
external rotation lag test
Patient’s arm passively brought into approx 20º elevation in the scapular plane and approx 5º short of full External Rotation.
Remove your hand from their wrist, keeping other hand at elbow.
Ask them to maintain the external rotation position
external rotation lag tests for
tear in supraspinatus or infraspinatus if lag in 5-10 degree
lift off test
Patient sitting so that dorsum of hand rests against mid lumbar spine
Lift the distal end of patient’s forearm away from the spine so that arm is in full IR
Ask patient to maintain position
lift off test tests for
subscapularis test
yergason test
Patient tries to supinate against resistance from therapist
speeds test
Patients flexes shoulder to 90º against resistance while maintaining the elbow in extension and the forearm in supination
yergason tests for …
bicipital tendinopathy
speeds test for
bicipital tendinopathy