mean goniometry values Flashcards
average range of motion in flexion shoulder
166.7 degrees
average ROM in elbow flexion
average ROM in wrist flexion
average ROM in CMC flexion
average ROM in 1st MCP flexion
average ROM in 2-5 MCP flexion
average ROM in 2-5 PIP flexion
average ROM in 2-5 DIP flexion
average ROM in 1st PIP flexion
average ROM of shoulder extension
average ROM of elbow extension
average ROM of wrist extension
average ROM of CMC extension
average ROM of 2-5 MCP extension
average ROM for shoulder abduction
average ROM for hand abduction
0-70 degrees
average ROM for shoulder medial rotation
average ROM for shoulder lateral rotation
average ROM for elbow pronation
average ROM for elbow supination
average ROM for wrist radial deviation
average ROM for wrist ulnar deviation
36 degrees
goniometer alignment for shoulder flexion/elevation
centre of axis
stationary arm
moveable arm
Centre the axis of the goniometer over the lateral aspect of the centre of the humeral head
align stationary arm in parallel to midaxillary line of thorax
moveable arm in longitudinal axis of humerus in line w/ lateral epicondyle
goniometer alignment for shoulder extension
centre of axis
stationary arm
moveable arm
patient in prone
Centre the axis of the goniometer over the lateral aspect of the centre of the humeral head
align stationary arm in parallel to midaxillary line of thorax
moveable arm in longitudinal axis of humerus in line w/ lateral epicondyle
goniometer alignment for shoulder abduction
Axis of goniometer placed at midpoint of anterior or posterior aspect of
glenohumeral joint line, 1.3cm infero-lateral to coracoid process if measured
from the front.
Align the stationary arm parallel to the sternum / thoracic spine
Align movable arm parallel to longitudinal axis of humerus
goniometer alignment and patient position for shoulder lateral rotation/medial rotation
centre of axis
stationary arm
moveable arm
patient supine shoulder 90 degree abduction
elbow 90 flexion
centre of axis - over olecranon (lateral)
stationary arm - mirror start position of forearm, perpendicular to plinth
moveable arm - move toward ulnar styloid process
goniometer alignment and patient position for elbow flexion/extension
patient in supine,
centre of axis - over lateral epicondyle of humerus
stationary arm - towards to acromion process
moveable arm - towards radial styloid process
goniometer alignment for elbow pronation/supination
centre of axis
stationary arm
moveable arm
patient sitting
centre of axis - 3rd metacarpal
stationary arm - perpendicular to floor
moveable arm - parallel to pencil
goniometer alignment for wrist flexion/extension
patient sitting - forearm resting on table in prone , hand over edge
centre of axis - ulnar styloid
stationary arm - longitudinal axis of ulna
moveable arm - parallel to 5th metacarpal
goniometer alignment for ulnar/radial deviation of wrist
centre of axis - dorsal aspect of wrist over capitate
stationary arm - midline of forearm
moveable arm - parallel to 3rd metacarpal
goniometer alignment for metacarpophalangeal flexion/extension/ interphalangeal flexion/extension
centre of axis - palmar aspect of MCP
for IP flexion - centre of axis over PIP and DIP joint
stationary arm - parallel to shaft of metacarpal
moveable arm - parallel to proximal phalanx