Shoeless Joe and Me: A Baseball Card Adventure Flashcards
What does Joe learn?
That he doesn’t need the card of the person he wants to see just someone in the year.
How did Stosh first learn about Shoeless Joe Jackson? Who tells him?
Flip Valentini, who is Stosh’s baseball team’s sponsor. Stosh learned about shoeless Joe when the umpire called Joe out when he was safe. Flip told him the story of how life was unfair for Shoeless Joe Jackson.
Why was Wilbur Kozinsky wearing a mask at the World Series game? What did Stosh give him? How was it helpful?
Wilbur had the flu and in 1919 there was no cure for it. Stosh gave Wilbur some of his flu pills from his time. It helped Wilbur because before Joe traveled, Wilbur had died when he was a boy. When Stosh returned, Wilbur was living with him, so Wilbur survived.
Why was Joe Jackson called “Shoeless Joe”?
He was playing in the minors when he got really bad blisters. So bad he couldn’t wear his cleats. The manager didn’t want Joe Jackson sitting so he told him to play shoeless. A reporter saw this and called him “Shoeless Joe”. The name stuck.
why did Joey’s mom let him go back in time?
She told him to take pictures of his great-grandmother and her twin brother while he was there.
Why was it unfair that Shoeless Joe Jackson was thrown out of baseball?
He was illiterate. he didn’t know how to read or write. He didn’t know he was taking money from gamblers. He didn’t try to throw the game, either.
How did Joey get out of the closest? Where did he end up after he got out?
He used a dime to unscrew the screws. He ended up in the hotel room next to him. It was Joe Jackson’s room.
What was the score of the first World Series game?
9-1 Reds
How did Stosh save Flip’s baseball card store?
When he traveled back in time, he asks Joe Jackson to sign his name. Joe Jackson did it 2 times and even tried to burn the first one. But, Joey stopped him. Instead, Joe Jackson threw them in the trash. Joey took 2 autographs and brought them back to the future. Each autograph was worth half a million dollars and flip had one too. So, Flip could pay the bills.
Who was destined to win the 1919 World Series?
The Chicago White Sox
Who were the Champions of Louisville Little League?
Flip’s Fan Club.
How did Joe save himself from being killed?
At the last second, he took his baseball card from his year and time traveled back to his house.
What was different when Joe came back and how did he do it?
Joey’s grandpa Wilbur was still alive. He did this by giving Wilbur his flue medicine which saved his life.
Why does Joe ride his bike home from baseball?
His mom used to drive him, but his teammates teased him so he switched.
Whos baseball card was Joey given instead of shoeless Joe’s?
Flip gave Joe Heinie Groh’s baseball card.
What did Flip do when he found out that Joey could time travel?
He laughed uncontrollably.