Rain Reign Flashcards
What are Rose’s favorite things?
Homonyms, Prime number, and rules
What did Rain do the day Uncle Weldon brought her with him too drop Rose off at school?
Rain ran out of the car and followed Rose to her classroom
Who drives Rose to school everyday?
Uncle Weldon
How did the Hendersons lose Rain/ Olivia?
When a neighbor stopped by their house she slipped out the door without her collar.
What does Roses dad do at the very end of the book?
He drops Rose off at Uncle Weldons and drives away
Who let Rain out during the storm and why?
Rose’s dad did because she had to go to the bathroom
Where did Roses dad find Rain?
Behind the Luck of The Irish the bar he goes to every night.
What were the two reasons why Rose choose the name Rain.
because it was raining when her dad brought her home and because Rain has two homophones. (reign and rein)
Where does Rose’s father work?
At the J&R Garage.
What is Rose’s uncle’s name?
Uncle Weldon.
How many white toes does Rain have?
She has seven white toes.
Who are the first owners of Rain?
The Hendersons.
What did the Hendersons name Rain?
Why does Rose’s dad leave her with Rose’s uncle?
He thought that he couldn’t give Rose the proper care she needed.
Why did Rose’s dad lie about her mom running away when she was young?
So Rose wouldn’t be sad about her mother dying.
What is the name of the hurricane that hits where Rose and her dad live?
Hurricane Susan.
Where does Rose find Rain after she gets lost in the hurricane?
Happy Tails pet shelter.
Why did Rain get lost both times?
She didn’t have her collar on.
Why does Rose need an aid?
Because she has a disease called Asperger’s Syndrome (high-functioning autism)
Where does Uncle Weldon work?
At a construction company called, “Gene’s Construction, Inc.”
Why did Uncle Weldon ask his boss to work through his lunch break?
So he could pick Rose up from school.
What school does Rose go to?
Hatford Elementary, Hatford, New York
Uncle Weldon works at a construction company but doesn’t do construction. What job does he do?
He works at the computer.
What does Rose’s Dad do at 12 in the morning when he wakes her up?
He tells her to gather her things and they leave to go to Uncle Weldon’s. When they get there, her dad abandons her there.
What did Rose’s dad tell her what happen to her mom and what actually happens?
He told her that her mom abandoned them, but her mom actually died.
Which one of Roses friends now like homophones because of her?
Her friend Parvani.
What did Rose’s kindergarten teacher say to her dad about going to Hatford Elementary?
This isn’t the right school for her
Who gave Rose’s dad the car?
Sam Diamond
Why does Paravani start crying when Rose lost Rain?
Her mom lost all of her artwork from 15 years in a warehouse after Hurricane Susan.
Who had to leave after hurricane Susan hit?
Anders and Lenora.
What happened to Roses mother?
She died of an aneurysm in her heart>
Why did Rose get kicked off bus #7?
She kept pointing out all the mistakes in driving her driver made.
What was Rose’s dad’s favorite foster mother?
Hannah Pederson.
What happened to Roses dad that that made his teacher call the cops on his dad?
He came to school with a brown mark on his hand and his teacher decided that it was a burn.
What color towel did Rose bring out to clean up Rain when they got her?
A green towel.
Why was Roses dad sad when she gave Rain back to her owners?
That was his only big gift to her.
Why did Rose have to get driven to school by her uncle?
Because she got kicked off bus #7.
What did Rose want to do instead of peeing in the woods?
She wanted to put a bucket in the bathroom.