Rump: The True Story of Rumplestiltskin Flashcards
When the miller came, what made Rump agree to spin more gold?
The Miller was threatening Red’s life, and Red was Rump’s only true friend.
Why was the king able to take the gold from Rump without giving him any object?
He told Rump that he would spare Rump’s life.
How did the Miller’s daughter, Opal end up going with the king to his kingdom?
The miller saved Rump by saying that Rump was his servant, and his daughter, Opal was the one who spun the gold.
Why was Rump so scared when Ida said the the queen had a new child?
Because when Rump was spinning gold for Opal, she had to give him something, so she said that she would give him her firstborn child, not aware that she would actually have to do it.
When Rump spun the wool, what did it turn into?
The wool turned into more gold, which was not what Rump wanted to spin.
How did Rump’s mom die?
The curse got her and she spun too much gold.
What is the name of the servant that helps Rump and how does she help him?
Her name is Martha and she helped him by healing her head injury.
What is the name of Martha’s son?
His name is Helmut.
Why does Rump hate spinning gold so much?
Because of the consequences of using magic, Rump is scared.
Rump and Red hate the Miller, but Rump still agrees to the Miller’s unfair trades, why?
Because Rump is still getting an offer for his gold, he can’t stand up for himself, despite the unfair trade.
What did Rump call King Bartholomew Archibald Reginald Fife?
King Barf.
Why did people not give names to anything else except for people?
Because they thought that names were to important.
What is a rumpel?
Wrapped or trapped in magic.
What are rumps aunts names?
Ida, Bethilda and Hadel.
What did Rump believe was the thing that made the straw turn into gold before he figured out it was him?
The bobbin in the spinning wheel.
What was the connection between Rump and the Miller?
He was the greedy, fat merchant that had been a fiend to his mom, forcing her to make him more gold.
What is a stiltskin?
Magic at its greatest.