Front Desk Flashcards
Why did Mia’s mom get fired from her job as a waitress?
Mia, who was also a waitress, sent soup and fried pawns flying during the dinner rush.
What did Jason say he did to Mia’s pencil?
He lied, and said he gave it to his dog Wealthy.
What was the secret code for if Mr. Yao was home or not? Who inspired the code?
The secret code was a blue baseball cap. Mia’s Aunt Ling inspired the code.
Who ended up stealing Mr. Lorenz’s car? Who was mainly accused, Why?
Mr. Lorenz pulled a thirty-day special, this means he hid his own car. Hank was accused because he was black.
How did Mia pay for the $300 interest fee for the motel essay writing contest?
She sold her Dad’s lucky pennies.
At the end of the book, everyone celebrates the new motel by swimming in the pool. What did Jason say when asked who he was swimming with?
He said,” I’m swimming with winners”
Why did Hank have to go into hiding?
He got kicked out of the motel because he broke his thirty-day record when he got arrested for attempted murder.
Why did Aunt Juli say no to buying the motel?
They were saving their money up for an apartment for Shen in Beijing.
If Mia was a bicycle, what did her mom say the other kids were?
Her mom said the other kids were Cars.
What did Jason give Mia when he confessed his crush on her?
Jason gave Mia dandelions.
In the beginning of the book, what does Mia say to get Mr. Yao upset?
“We had to give 2 refunds this morning!”
In the beginning of the book, what did Mia give to her neighbors and why?
Jasmine tea from China because she was sure they could buy more since they were getting paid $150 a day
What is the name of Jason’s pretend dog?
The name of his “dog’s” was Wealthy.
What is Mia’s job at the motel?
Check people in at the front desk.
Why is Mia’s pencil special to her?
It was expensive, and her father bought it for her.
When Jason steals Mia’s pencil, what is the first thing he does to it?
He licks it.
How much money does Mia’s family buy the motel for?
Before Mia told her parents that Mr. Yao was bluffing, what were her parents about to do to get the money they needed to buy the motel?
Ask the Loan Sharks for money.
What type of dog did Mia say she had on the first day of school?
A golden retriever.
Why do Mia and her friend sneak into Jason’s house?
To get Mia’s special pencil back.
When did Mia and her parents move to America?
2 years ago they moved.
Where did Mia move from?
She is from China.
How much money did the Tangs think they would get everyday?
They thought they would get $150 everyday.
In which chapter did Mr. Yao say Mia couldn’t go in the pool?
He said this in chapter 3.
What room does Hank live in?
Hank lives in room 12 at the motel.
When Mr. Lewis said he wanted 4 pillows, what are they for?
Two for under his head, One to put between his legs, and one to hug.
Over night who’s car was stolen, and what did it look like?
Mr. Lorenz’s neon green Ford Thunderbird car was “Stolen” from the motel parking lot.
What did Mia say to Jason to make look like he had been punched?
Mia had yelled “ JASON I DON’T LIKE YOU!”
When and where did Jason tell Mia to meet up?
He told her to meet up at the auditorium during recess.
Who came to Mia to make a bad people list?
The security guard from The Topaz Inn came to make the list.
What was the names on the list of people that left on the night Mr. Lorenz’s car was stolen?
The names were Peter, Rebecca, Tommy, Loretta, and Javier.
What did Mia give Uncle Fung when he came to them and why?
She gave him a list of America slang and what it meant. She gave it to him because he called a random woman baby.