Louisiana's Way Home Flashcards
What time did Louisiana leave her house in the beginning of the book?
At three a.m.
How many bags of peanuts did Louisiana take from the gas station?
She took 14 bags.
Where in Alabama did Louisiana find a skeleton of a mouse?
She found one in Lucas, Alabama.
What was the first sentence Granny wrote in her letter?
She wrote “You must be brave” as her first sentence.
Betty Allen made how many of same kind of cakes? What kind of cakes were they?
Betty Allen made seventeen chocolate-chocolate cakes.
What is the minister’s full name?
His full name is Reverend Frank Obertask.
On a sign next to the ministers office what did it say he could do?
He said he could do three things…
1. Assistance 2. Advice 3. Healing Words
Instead of climbing the motel sign what did Louisiana and Burke climb?
They climbed a big oak tree.
What was the last word “Granny” spoke to Louisiana?
The last word “Granny” spoke to Louisiana was her name, Louisiana.
Where was Betty Allen’s cake raffle?
It was on the lawn in front of the lost shepherd church at the carnival.
Why was Louisiana mad at her Granny?
Her Granny made Louisiana leave Florida, without letting her say goodbye to Raymie, Beverley, or Archie, and she told Louisiana they could never return.
What did Louisiana think she had to do when cars honked their horns at her when she was driving?
She thought that they were telling her to go even faster.
Why was Louisiana leaving home?
She was leaving home because there was curse and the grandma was worried Louisiana was going to get cursed.
Where was Louisiana taking her Granny and why? Who was driving the car?
They were going to the dentist because her Granny had a bad toothache, and Louisiana was driving the car, her Granny was also in the back seat laying down.
What was the real curse of sundering?
Granny’s father leaving without telling her anything.
What happens to Louisiana at the World-Famous Betty Allen Cake Raffle?
Louisiana realizes that she belongs with the Allens.
Who did Louisiana think she saw during the funeral?
She thought she saw Granny, Dr. Fox, and Mrs. Ivy.
Why is Louisiana named Louisiana?
Granny found her in an alley of the Louisiana Five-and-Dime.
Why does Louisiana have to sing at a funeral?
She has to sing to pay for another night at the Good Night, Sleep Tight.
Who did Louisiana see when she was drowning? What was it doing?
it was the Blue- Fairy from Pinocchio, and it was encouraging Louisiana to go deeper.
How was Burke Allen, the youngest, able to get Louisiana whatever she wanted from the vending machine?
He made quarter-shaped pieces of metal in his family workshop. He used them to order whatever he wanted with no charge.
Why did Louisiana have to drive a car? Where was she going?
Granny was having a toothache and was in too much pain to drive. So, Louisiana was driving her to a dentist.
Why did Granny leave Louisiana?
She had been getting visions from her father, telling her to go to Elf Ear, Nebraska. She didn’t want Louisiana in danger.
Is Louisiana afraid of heights? How do you know?
No, when she was in a tree with Burce she looked down and wasn’t scared. She even climbed down the tree by herself.