Me and Marvin Gardens Flashcards
Why did Obe get sent home by the nurse during school?
He had a bloody nose and it wouldn’t stop.
Why did Tommy get suspended, and how?
Tommy was on the bus, and when he got out of his seat, he kissed Annie. Obe told the principal about this, so Tommy got suspended.
What is Annie interested in, and what instrument does she play?
Annie loved rocks and weather, so she wanted to be a geologist, she also plays the cello.
What problem did Obe’s great-grandfather have?
He had a drinking problem,he was also poor, so he had to mortgage acres of land to pay for drinks at Hannah’s Bar.
What was Marvin’s mate’s name?
Her name was Boardwalk.
Who did Obe first tell about Marvin?
He told Annie first.
What are Obe and Annie’s nicknames?
“The Hippie” and “Putrid Annie.”
What melted people’s shoes, porches, floors, and the ground?
Marvin’s scat.
What was Tommy’s mom thankful for Obe keeping quiet about?
Tommy punching Obe in the nose and the Turf War.
Obe finds something on Tommy’s land that makes him furious, what is it?
It is a trap meant to lure Marvin into their trap and kill him with a wooden spike.
How did Obe’s great-grandfather lose 175 acres of Devlin land?
He had a drinking problem, so he had to mortgage land.
What 2 nicknames did Tommy give Obe?
Creek Boy and the Hippie.
Why does Mr. Mustache hate Obe?
When Bernadette had him, she was reading a book about spies. Bernadette had some good notes about Mr. Mustache. Mr. Mustache held a grudge and now hates Obe for being related to his sister.
What does Obe find in the woods, while the boys are at baseball practice, that makes him mad?
Obe finds a trap meant to kill Marvin. There is even plastic as bait.
Why does Obe get all his nose-bleeds? Was it fair or unfair?
Obe gets his nose-bleeds because Tommy and Obe were having a “turf war”. Mike was the referee. It was unfair because Tommy sucker-punched Obe before Mike was even done directions.
Why did Obe get grounded for three days?
He woke up early to hang out with Marvin. An old man saw him and told Obe’s parents. Obe’s parents got mad that Obe was doing something behind there back.
When Obe finds Marvin what does he think he looks like?
He thinks he looks part pig and part dog.
What does Obe get for no reason?
Why does Obe think Marvin can save the world?
He thinks he can save the world because he eats plastic.
What does Obe name the “not-dog”? Why?
Marvin Gardens, because he thought about Monopoly, and when he lands on Marvin Gardens. The spot where his dad has hotels and the person who created Monopoly made it teach people about the evil of land development.
Why did Obe get grounded?
He got snitched on by the did-man who was about to ride his lawn-mower. His parents got mad at Obe because he didn’t tell them he was up at 6 o’clock walking.
What does Obe want to be when he grows up? why?
Obe wants to become a teacher because he wanted to find kids like him and show them how they can change the world.
How did Obe’s great grandmother get back the piece of land with Devin Creek in it?
She collected chickens, all types of breeds. She sold them for $600. This was enough money to get back the creek.
When did Obe tell Ms. G, about Marvin, who were the people she got to help them?
Dr. Keri a biologist and a game warden.