shock Flashcards
shock is characterized by?
systemic hypoperfusion of tissues
etiology of shock?
Diminished cardiac output or reduced effective circulating blood volume
Shock leads to?
Leads to impaired tissue perfusion and cellular hypoxia
forms of shock?
1) cardiogenic
2) hypovolmic
3) septic
Cardiogenic shock definition?
Low cardiac output due to myocardial pump failure
Cardiogenic shock may be caused by?
■ Myocardial damage (MI)
■ Ventricular arrhythmias
■ Extrinsic compression (cardiac tamponade)
■ Outflow obstruction (PE)
Hypovolemic Shock definition
Low cardiac output due to loss of blood or plasma volume
Hypovolemic Shock causes inclide?
■ Hemorrhage
■ Fluid loss from diarrhea, vomiting, severe burns
Septic Shock is typically 2nd to?
microbial infections
Septic Shock definition?
Arterial vasodilation and venous blood pooling resulting from the systemic immune response to: ■ Overwhelming microbial infections ■ Endotoxic shock ■ Gram-positive septicemia ■ Fungal sepsis ■ Superantigens (toxic shock syndrome)
example of the less common neurogenic form of shock?
Loss of vascular tone associated with anesthesia or spinal cord injury
example of the less common anaphylactic form of shock?
resulting from IgE mediated systemic vasodilation and increased vascular permeability
what is the most common cause of death in ICU?
septic shock
20% mortality
most cases of septic shock are due to?
gram-positive bacteria, followed by endotoxin producing gram
negative bacteria, and fungi.
Endotoxin activates monocytes leading to the production of?
high levels of cytokines (esp. IL-1 and TNF)
Stages of Shock
1) Nonprogressive stage
2) Progressive stage
3) Irreversible stage
Nonprogressive stage
Reflex compensatory mechanisms are activated and vital organ perfusion is maintained
Progressive stage
Tissue hypoperfusion and onset of worsening circulatory and metabolic derangement
Irreversible stage
Severe cellular and tissue injury is fatal
Ischemic encephalopathy
Brain impairment
Myocardial necrosis
Decreased cardiac function
Acute tubular necrosis of the kidneys
Kidney failure
Gastrointestinal tract hemorrhage
Acute blood loss
Lung injury “shock lung”
Impaired gas exchange. Mostly associated with septic shock