Nervous System Flashcards
70-80% of all cerebrovascular accidents are?
Acute Ischemic Brain Infarct (Stroke)… 60 yr old men
Acute Ischemic Brain Infarct (Stroke) most common cause?
- **Cerebral atherosclerosis
- other causes are embolization from left cardiac chamber, thrombosis from carotid artery
Hemorrhagic infarct occurs when there is?
bleeding into the area of infarction
Most common sites of Primary Brain Parenchymal
Hemorrhage are?
Basal Ganglia (70%)
Pons region of brainstem
three types of Intracranial Hemorrhage?
- Primary brain parenchymal hemorrhage
- Subarachnoid hemorrhage
- Vascular malformations
Transient Ischemic Attacks
(TIAs) caused by?
small atheromatous emboli or platelet-fibrin aggregates
Transient Ischemic Attacks
(TIAs) is an important predictor of?
subsequent infarction.
— 1/3 of patients with TIAs will develop cerebral infarcts
within 5 years.
Primary Brain Parenchymal
Hemorrhage most common cause?
– Associated with 50% of
—causes hyaline arteriosclerosis in small vessels making them more prone to rupture
Most common cause of
SAH is rupture of
saccular (berry) aneurism
– 80% in internal carotid artery (circle of Willis)
– 20% in vertebrobasilar
artery system
What is seen secondary to reperfusion of ischemic tissue or after dissolution of intravascular occlusions?
Hemorrhagic infarct
** Acute Ischemic Brain Hemorrhagic Infarct (Stroke)
Epidural (Extradural) Hemorrhage (Hematoma) cause?
tearing of the middle meningeal artery
Hemorrhages in superficial brain parenchyma caused by blunt trauma
Subdural Hemorrhage (Hematoma) tears occur where?
in bridging veins of meninges, NOT an artery as in epidural hematoma
Subdural Hemorrhage (Hematoma) often associated with?
brain atrophy – greater vein mobility
define Concussion
A clinical, not pathologic entity
- temporary damage to the reticular activating system
Subdural Hemorrhage (Hematoma) between?
dura mater and arachnoid mater
1) Epidural (Extradural) Hemorrhage (Hematoma) commin in?
2) Acute Ischemic Brain Infarct (Stroke)
3) Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Saccular or “berry” Aneurism
4) Subdural Hemorrhage (Hematoma)
5) Multiple Sclerosis
1) children
2) 7th decade and in males
3) Women before 50
4) older peeps on anticoagulants and infants with thin walled veins
5) female 20-40