Sheep and goat breeds Flashcards
Estonian White Headed Sheep (top image)
the lower pics are the breeds that make up the composite breed.
Component breeds:
Norwegian White Headed Sheep
North County Cheviout
Il De France
cheviot sheep (scottish breed)
sheep breeds are broadly divided into
Environmental conditions: Some breeds thrive in tough, natural conditions (extensive), while others need controlled environments (intensive).
extensive and intensive
extensive: native sheep, dorpers, gotland sheep
intensive (that produce a lot but also need a lot of input energy): suffolk, texel, dairy animals
texel, suffolk, dorper are all
meat breeds
gotland sheep
very self-reliant breed
gotland, wensleydale, merino are all
wool breeds
laucaune, east friesian, latxa, sarda are all
dairy breeds
Most prolific sheep breed?
What does prolific mean in this context?
known for their prolificacy (large litters)
Estonian Black Headed Sheep (90-100kg ewes! rams are bigger)
Component breeds:
Oxford Down
German/Latvian Black Headed Sheep
Eesti Maalammas, estonian native
grow slowly
in native sheep, both sexes can have horns
Kihnu maalammas / Kihnu native sheep (from an island)
in native sheep, both sexes can have horns
can be white, blue, black etc.
in some places bred to be basically brachycephalic and very buff.
angora goat for wool production
very niche
pink nosed, quite big