Prudent use of antibiotics Flashcards
There are 3 situations in which antibiotics can be used in animals:
- Therapeutic use for specific treatment of a diseased animal.
- Control or metaphylactic use – the treatment of a group of animals
after the diagnosis of disease has been made in part of the group. The
aim is to treat clinically sick animals and control the spread of disease
to others in close contact which may already be infected. - Preventative or prophylactic use – the treatment of an animal or group of animals before clinical signs of disease.
The aim is to prevent the
occurrence of disease or infection.
NB! New EU legislation (2022) will prohibit all forms of routine antibiotic use in farming, including preventative group treatments.
In practice, we usually start AB treatment
without …?
bacteriological diagnosis.
But this is not gold standard.
The principles to follow before antibiotic treatment decision. (4)
- Achieve the maximum concentration of antibiotic at the site of infection.
- Use antibiotics only for the bacterial species involved with the infection and avoid influencing normal microflora as
much as possible aka as narrow spectrum as possible. - Avoid the development and spread of resistant microbes at the farm level and between animal-environment and human.
- Do not use antibiotics in animals that are essential for the treatment of human infections.
Name the major groups of AB. (10)
penicillins (ampicillin, cloxacillin)
aminoglycosides (streptomycin, gentamycin)
tetracyclines (doxycycline, oxytetracycline)
macrolides (tylosin)
fluoroquinolones (enrofloxacin)
lincosamides (clindamycin, lincomycin)
- gen cephalosporins (cefalexin)
3.-4. gen cephalosporins (ceftiofur)
amfenicols (chloramfenicol)
polymyxins (colistin)
Give an example of a penicillin.
ampicillin, cloxacillin
Give an example of an aminoglycoside.
streptomycin, gentamycin
Give an example of a tetracycline.
doxycycline, oxytetracycline
Give an example of a macrolide.
Give an example of a fluoroquinolone.
Give an example of a lincosamide.
clindamycin, lincomycin
Give an example of a 1. gen cephalosporin.
Give an example of a 3.-4. gen cephalosporin.
Give an example of a polymyxin.
How many main bacterial spp. do we treat in the cattle world?
When bacteria multiply – most are able to do this several times per
As they copy their DNA, the bacteria are also subject to errors (mutations), some of which might help them survive the onslaught of an antibiotic in their surroundings.
They can also acquire this ability by receiving small pieces of DNA (plasmids) from other bacteria – which may or not be of the same species.
International agreement about categorizational use of antibiotics.
What are the categories?
A = prohibited
B = restricted
C = Avoid
D = Prudence
Give example of category D antibiotics.
A = prohibited
B = restricted
C = Avoid
D = Prudence
Give example of category C antibiotics.
A = prohibited
B = restricted
C = Avoid
D = Prudence
Give example of category B antibiotics.
A = prohibited
B = restricted
C = Avoid
D = Prudence