Shame Flashcards
Children living on the streets – the majority of whom are running from sexual, physical, and emotional abuse.
And Cendant has been slammed with accusations that it overstated its earnings by a mind-blowing $100 million.
The street takes away their pride. They feel ashamed, manipulated, and degraded
Background noise
Others have to put up with the constant, nagging background noise of an unhappy stomach.
Bad press
St. John’s Wort is suddenly getting bad press. Many are saying it does next to nothing …
Bad Rap
But that doesn’t mean they deserve the bad rap they’ve been given.
Bail You Out
WARNING: If you think the FDIC will bail you out when your bank fails, think again!
Biggest Losers
Plus the biggest losers in the new digital age.
Blah Sex Life
BLAH SEX LIFE? This secret can even double your sex appeal!
PLUS, how avoiding these common blunders could make you richer than Midas in 2004-2005.
No wonder huge companies are going broke left and right!
Depositors – most of whom never dreamed they’d be broken by a bank panic – lost MILLIONS!
Cardinal Sins
The two “cardinal sins” that sentence you to lower profits than you deserve – and could cost you everything in the next 12 months.
… men are not only getting feminized, we’re being subjected to a slow and potentially deadly chemical castration
The street takes away their pride. They feel ashamed, manipulated, and degraded.
Mark my words: When corporations start defaulting in mass …
More Americans are delinquent on credit card payments than at any other time in U.S. history.
Millions of families will dump nearly everything in a last, desperate attempt to get their hands on cash.
Embarrassingly Simple Secret Instantly Unleashes The Explosive Power Hidden In Your Tee Shots …
Erectile Dysfunction
If you suffer from erectile dysfunction, it’s most likely related to your level of testosterone
… men are not only getting feminized, we’re being subjected to a slow and potentially deadly chemical castration.
Alice felt so run-down every morning – she was about to get FIRED.
Scores of big brokers, hundreds of money managers and millions of gullible stock market sheep come to you, hat in hand, BEGGING you to sell your stocks to them.
Hall of Shame
Are YOUR Stocks In This Corporate Hall of Shame?
Hangover of the Century
America will wake up in the morning from the hangover of the century. And it won’t be from the champagne.
Huge embarrassment
So it’s a very convenient dumping ground for bad numbers that might otherwise be a huge embarrassment to a lot of people …
… The humiliation of “dowager’s hump,” or the constant fear of falling that haunts every older woman …
Don’t let your loved ones suffer these painful indignities one more day.
But perhaps you are wondering why all this inhumane brutality is still going on, because, after all, Congress passed the Marine Mammal Protection Act in 1972.
Lab Rat
You’re not a lab rat for health fads or politically correct flag wavers.
We will scientifically pre-identify the laggards and then dump them.
… including updates on corrupt broker practices and arbitration lawsuits.
Prune losers from your portfolio before they hurt you.
Lose your job
If this keeps up, you can lose your job …
Are you and your doctor making these mistakes with your multivitamin?
Mortality figures
And I am personally horrified to hear such phrases being used as “body count,” “kill quota,” and “mortality figures.”
No Clue
… and no one on Wall Street even has a clue
I’ve never seen so many US corporations in anything like the pitiful, pathetic, dangerous shape they’re in right now.
Pointing the Finger
I’m not pointing the finger at you. I’m saying that the problem is very, very common.
Poking and prodding
Yet it’s invisible to all those machines they’ve been poking and prodding you with.
Potency problems
The fact is, in most men and women, sexual potency problems are psychological in nature and can be treated with education or therapy.
No problem bowel movements, even if you’re traveling.
This is the highest level of forced resignations we have seen!
Rotten apple
The “rotten apple” stocks that had a Weiss Investment Rating of “E” were five times more likely to decline in value that the average stock awarded my best rating …
Ruined financially
He left her for a younger woman, and in a contentious divorce, ruined her financially.
And take back your life at any age – even if doctors sentenced you to life in a walker.
25 “Household Name” Corporations With The Shakiest Balance Sheets And Most Vulnerable Stocks.
Shame on you, USDA! Bureaucrats Cave in to Food Lobbies – AGAIN!
And the fund has never been involved in any trading shenanigans!
Stuck holding the bag
And as both consumers and companies fail, who do you think is going to get stuck holding the bag?
It wasn’t long ago that I was struggling to earn a living… jumping from one job I hated to another I hated more…
Pathetic Research Geek Accidentally Stumbles Upon Secret that Can Make You Millions!
Turn you into a woman
Modern politically correct medicine is trying to turn you into a woman!