Passion Flashcards
Absolutely Love It
For a break, I’ll walk over to the old Inn across the street for lunch… grab a coffee at the local market… or take a walk up Pinnacle Hill behind my house. I absolutely love it!
Amazing Quality of Life
The Difference is in the Amazing Quality of Life!
Beating a Path
Find out why sports heroes, film stars, and billionaires are beating a path to his legendary doctor’s door.
You’ll discover what it feels like to be peaceful and blissful on the inside.
Yes, even this life-threatening condition has been reversed with breathtaking speed…
Cheep Up
But cheer up, because despite what everyone tells you … Antibiotics are not our most powerful weapon against infectious disease.
Couldn’t keep my hands off
Within a week, I couldn’t keep my hands off my husband… HE LOVED IT!
Crack open the champagne
… the difference between a so-so year and one to crack open the champagne for.
Delicious, Tangy, and on your table in under 25 minutes.
… my fishing is at once an endless source of delight and an act of rebellion …
Youth Quest: an organization devoted to cutting edge technology.
Ears Perked Up
But years later, my ears perked up when my sources reported …
Eat What You Want
From now on, eat what you want and travel wherever you please.
Cheesy Ecstasy, Only 22% Calories from Fat!
Enjoy your meat, beer, wine, and even cigars!
If you’d like to experience the rough and tumble thrills that turn so many energy stock traders into energy stock enthusiasts… here’s news you’re going to LOVE!
That’s why I’m more excited than ever about this natural breakthrough from China …
Fan For Life
I have adopted your trading methods and I am a true fan for life!
How to create the circumstances for true fulfillment and healing.
Two Free Members-Only Gala Banquets Each Year.
I was glad when studies confirmed that this was WAY MORE than pie in the sky.
Glowing Tribute
The GAO study is a glowing tribute to Weiss, according to Barron’s
Good and Comfortable
Imagine felling that good and comfortable each and every day!
The astonishing health miracle 1.5 million grateful patients swear by!
You see, all these happy human beings just happen to read Alternatives …
In the words of one jubilant parent, this breakthrough “Gave me my daughter back”…
Jumping for Joy
Why are thousands of “incurable” patients jumping for joy?
They laughed when I sat down to the piano… But when I started to play…
Mad About
In Europe, people are absolutely mad about this product, buying it faster than it can be produced.
Madly Attractive
Now! Become madly attractive to the opposite sex…
Make Love
The best ways to make love on an airplane…
Maniac Trader
Kevin Kerr, AKA the Maniac Trader. We dubbed him the Maniac because he tirelessly watches the commodities markets.
Medal of Honor
You deserve a Medal of Honor for protecting an older, self-supporting, divorced woman who isn’t very rich …
And he’s just one of a legion of old-timers, merrily running rings around youngsters …
My mission is to make you far richer than you are now!
Most Spectacular
The most spectacular cave diving anywhere!
This herbal discovery can give you and your partner pleasures galore.
Positive Self-Image
The best time for positive self-image is in childhood.
Clients rave about the results they’re getting …
My clients rejoiced when they saw gains of 456% in only 5 weeks!
Standing Ovation
Readers Give Bloomberg Personal a Standing Ovation!
The Weiss War Room is my State-of-the-Art investment analysis and trading center
You bet I was thrilled when the President of Nicaragua personally thanked me for helping her to overcome osteoporosis.
Head of State thanks Dr. Williams for Osteoporosis Victory!
Thank you for a wonderful service at an affordable price!
Where to hear a world-renowned symphony in a classic concert hall for only $2.