Betrayal Flashcards
4 baldfaced federal lies now threaten to demolish what’s left of your income, your investments, your retirement and your financial security …
In practice, though, I know that investors are being cajoled, nagged and bamboozled by brokers and others into holding stocks or even buying more.
The Ultimate Betrayal of the Stock Market Lambs.
Betrayed Again! Corporate fat cats are setting you up for a fleecing!
How the IRS may be blackmailing IBM – by issuing a demand that computer companies with a minimum of $200 million in working capital fix the IRS computers and pay the cost themselves …
Don’t be blinded by Lasik Hype (and nine other healing lies)!
Blood Money
He stayed positive on Winstar to the bitter end – and happily continued collecting his blood money from Salomon.
Trouble is, with CEOs still effectively bribing brokers to hype their companies’ stock, it’s darned-near impossible to know who to trust today.
Bottom line: If you trust any of the economic forecasts now coming from Wall Street and the investment media, you’re about to be badly burned – again!
And despite being busted for issuing overwhelmingly positive stock ratings, Wall Street analysts are STILL issuing FIVE TIMES more “buy” ratings than “sell” ratings!
This is the most callous betrayal of individual investors yet – by a L-O-N-G shot!
Caught Red-Handed
They laughed out loud in 2001 when I cautioned that U.S. corporations were cooking their books and would get caught red-handed, and that the news would smash blue chips …
The answer is clear: these schemes only work as long as more and more money is flowing into the con game.
But you may not know that they (dolphins) are being killed – because the billion dollar tuna industry has successfully concealed the truth from the public.
C0q10 Conspiracy!
Cooked up
It’s just another lie cooked up to sell running shoes and gym memberships!
Cooking their Books
They laughed out loud when I cautioned that U.S. corporations were cooking their books and would be caught red-handed, and that the news would smash blue chips …
Deep corruption – perhaps the worst of any current regime, extending into every business, every bank.
Cover up
Yet the government is adding these surpluses into the federal budget to help cover up the deficit.
It’s a crime that most doctors don’t know more about this and hardly any tell their patients.
The surprising culprit that triggers memory loss so severe, it’s often mistaken for dementia or even Alzheimer’s in people over 60.
Want to know a deep, dark secret that bypass surgeons hate to admit?
We’ve already seen how the hint of earnings deception hammers the entire market lower.
Didn’t Smell Right
And right from the start, something didn’t smell right about PC-SPES …
Specifically, U.S. government bureaucrats have launched a campaign of disinformation designed to pull a wool over your eyes …
Don’t Tell You
What doctors don’t tell you about testosterone isn’t just stealing your potency. IT’S KILLING MILLIONS OF MEN EVERY YEAR.
I warned that record numbers of corporate CEOs are shamelessly exaggerating their earnings – and if you own their stocks when they get caught, you’re going to lose a fortune.
And he’s taking on all the most cherished new falsehoods that make today’s patients miserable…
Washington is fiddling while the dollar burns!
But Wall Street Underground subscribers knew the fix was in from the start.
Discover the shocking TRUTH that can protect you from being fleeced again!
You’ll protect your family’s health by ignoring the health flim-flams that are making them sick.
Don’t be fooled by false rallies!
Forget soyburgers and tofu – they’re dangerous!
Internet stocks are a fraud, an elaborate carefully-prepared scheme designed to make instant billionaires at your expense.
Listen – when Enron fudged its earnings reports, it only inflated the numbers by about $400 million.
Further From The Truth
Nothing could be further from the truth!
This is also a perfect example of how absolutely unfounded health theories become gospel.
The Great Cholesterol Hoax
CAUTION: Washington and Wall Street are conspiring to HOODWINK YOU!
… You can thank them for taking your savings and putting it into the pockets of a handful of greedy executives and Wall Street hucksters.
But over the years, I grew tired of hypocrisy in my profession…
Led Astray
It’s time you stopped being led astray by health organizations that don’t have your best interests at heart.
In the enclosed bulletin, I reveal who’s lying to you and why.
Why the odds now appear to be 1-in-3 that the companies behind YOUR stocks may be manipulating their earnings – either legally or illegally.
Two ways misleading earnings reports can cost YOU up to 90% of your money.
GLUG! Americans are drowning in a watery myth!
Learn the facts of real health from medicine’s most acclaimed Myth-Buster!
Not telling you the truth
One thing is for certain: SOMEBODY’S not telling you the truth!
They’re obscuring the real facts, covering up the truth so they can rob you blind.
The Government’s Unemployment Statistics Are As Phony As A Three-Dollar Bill!
Pull a Wool Over Your Eyes
Specifically, U.S. government bureaucrats have launched a campaign of disinformation designed to pull a wool over your eyes…
I’m talking about the propaganda that the fluoridated water that comes out of the tap is good for you and safe to drink…
The Great Acidophilus RIP-OFF!
Raw End of The Deal
But many investors like you got the raw end of the deal…
Ripped to Shreds
… And to push you back into the arms of the very brokers who ripped your portfolio to shreds in 2001 and 2002.
Real Cause
The real cause of many cases of depression (hint: look in your medicine cabinet).
Rob You Blind
Wall Street’s Fat Cats Are Scheming To Rob You Blind – AGAIN!
Snake Oil
I’ll continue to shatter the myths about health that have been sold to you like so much snake oil.
In 2001, I warned you that brokerage scandals would continue slamming stocks – long before swindles at Merrill Lynch, Saloman Smith Barney and the rest hit the headlines…
The earnings scandal that rocked the stock market in 2001 and 2002 was small in comparison to the greatest accounting scam of all, which is about to be exposed.
And much of what they do and say – including their stock ratings – is part of a deliberate scheme to get YOU to do something that will make THEM richer.
It was a set-up. Wall Street talked ordinary investors into risking everything they had on a mountain of unfounded hype …
First, let me give you a quick preview of the shameless lies Washington is telling you now…
8 sneaky ways unprincipled brokers skim your account – and how you can stop them… COLD!
No, you are being encouraged to continue taking a dangerous drug by marketers-professionals who are paid to “spin” any story, however controversial, so it comes out smelling like roses.
Sneak Attack
In your complimentary copy of NO MORE SNEAK ATACKS, you’ll learn how to avoid the deadly disasters that so many of today’s drugs create…
Sold Down The River
It’s just one more example of how your healthy, natural dietary options are being sold down the river and why it all comes down to greed…
And reveals how US government economic tinkering can only make matters worse, dooming the US to a prolonged economic nightmare.
Buy and hold is for suckers. Especially in a bear market.
Washington’s political and bureaucratic fat cats are setting you up for yet ANOTHER great STOCK MARKET SWINDLE!
This is science by press release… and it stinks like yesterday’s tuna!
Take in
I urge you: Do NOT be taken in. You’re being set up.
Throw good money after bad
And as I show you in this report, they’re perfectly willing to do whatever it takes to convince you to throw good money after bad.
Insulate your wealth and USE their treachery to grow up to SIX TIMES RICHER in 2004-2005!
Key economic data issued by Washington is being carefully massaged to trick you into believing the economy is much, MUCH stronger than it really is.
I show you how broker ratings are too often nothing more than thinly veiled sales pitches.
Valerian Veto: Why you should never take valerian root supplements if you want to keep your adrenal glands healthy …
… Most of what you’ve been told about what’s good for you is just plain wrong, wrong… WRONG!