Revenge Flashcards
Against Them
Ordinary investors … used Wall Street’s own secret techniques against them – and made FORTUNES when the market fell in April ad most people were losing theirs.
“Here’s how to avenge your losses and rake in profits of 307% or more …
But the coming anti-broker backlash will also be dangerous for anyone with money on deposit with a vulnerable firm!
You’re going to see sleazy, arrogant crooks finally get their comeuppance.
Get Back
Want to get back at these crooks? Follow the sage advice on page 13 …
Get Even
Don’t get mad, get even. Invest in stocks almost guaranteed to make you rich as brokers continue to dish out bogus recommendations…
Make up for
The best way to make up for your losses? Ditch your broker, ignore Wall Street’s lies and follow a proven investment system that had made truckloads of money in times just like these…
The ultimate payback? Getting rich at THEIR expense!
How to punish a dishonest broker – and get money BACK!
Reverse Any Attack
… and to reverse any attack so that you come out the winner instead of the victim!
Here’s everything you need to keep your broker honest – and even to reclaim money a dishonest broker may have cheated you out of!
Strike Back
It’s time to strike back against these crooks – and the time is NOW!
Strike Force
Each month I employ a veritable strike force of proprietary timing indicators …
Swift and Sweet
Revenge will be swift and sweet for anyone who lost money on a broker’s recommendation.
13 valuable tips to thwart petty thieves when traveling…
Tit for Tat
I say tit for tat – which means it’s high time you stopped getting mad at these shady characters and started getting even …
They Fail
The enclosed bulletin can make sure you’re protected and THEY fail.
Took the Task
Dr. Douglass took surgeons to task for bullying women into this drastic procedure.
Turn the Tables
Plus, how to turn the tables on them and insulate your wealth…
Ultimate Weapon
I hope you’ve decided to fight back. If so, I’ve created the ultimate weapon to help you…
But once you get this powerful report into your hands, vengeance will finally be yours…
Best of all, you’ll experience the sweet vindication of getting filthy-rich while these corporate crooks crash and burn…
Waging War
They’re not only waging war on the dollar, they’re waging war on YOUR dollars.
What’s Rightfully Yours
Here’s how to take back what’s rightfully yours…