Security Flashcards
A 100%, No-Strings-Attached, Four-Way Guarantee …
Our newsletter was ranked #1 by Hulbert Financial Digest.
Having the world’s most accurate stock ratings is kind of like having X-ray vision.
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Again and again, this simple strategy has spun off returns of up to 450% for savvy investors.
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We’ve been awarded the best investment advisory service in the U.S. for the last 20 years.
It’s safe, backed by decades of solid research, and boy is it ever cheap.
And then, as patterns began to emerge, I back-tested each one back as far as 1929.
Over the years, I’ve demonstrated that my advice is bankable.
So I’m showing you an approach that is battle-hardened in every type of market for two decades.
He’s the author of four different best-selling books in the investment field.
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Cancel Anytime
PLUS, you can cancel anytime thereafter for a FULL REFUND on the unused portion of your subscription.
Are you using the best insulin preparation? Here’s a review of the leading insulin(s) and a candid analysis of what they can and cannot do.
I know they may sound impossible, but I’ve carefully tested them all.
Century Old
Soft spoken analyst masters, then perfects this Century-old Timing System…
Completely Convinced
You must be completely convinced that this service will save you or make you at least $5,000 in the next 12 months – or I’ll rush you a full refund!
… Ensuring that every senator on the Hill has documented proof of the abuses and a comprehensive outline of the solutions at their fingertips.
… One-hundred percent objective, conflict-of-interest-free economic analysis, investment ratings and wealth-building advice carefully crafted to get you safely through this impending catastrophe …
Researchers at the University of Wisconsin have now confirmed the incredible power of this discovery.
Martin Weiss, PH.D. – the analyst who correctly forecast… The Great Tech Wreck of 2000… The Blue Chip Bust of 2001-2002… The Gold Stock Bonanza of 2002-2003…
Your second bonus: How to crash-proof your investment portfolio…
…And yet each has exactly the kind of credentials that turn Wall Street Analysts, money managers and institutions GREEN with envy!
… And urges investors to join him in a nationwide crusade to demand full and fair disclosure from public companies.
Dead-Locked Cinch
… exploding demand for oil and shrinking supplies are a dead-locked cinch!
For nearly two decades, I’ve been dispensing health life-enriching health advice to nearly a million subscribers.
May we demonstrate how much you can make your profits multiply up the profit ladder?
Then we examine everything that is known FOR A FACT about the best company’s stock.
Earned the Respect
Poets & Writes has earned the respect and support of national and state arts agencies…
Earn Trust
You have to earn a person’s trust before you can earn his or her business…
The only way to ENSURE your place in ENERGY WINDFALL TRADER is to call…
Both have been thoroughly proven in exhaustive University studies…
You’ll be the expert in the use of each new treatment, and you’ll be exactly why it works, because I’ll fully brief you and your entire family in plain English…
Extra Protection
Your eyes get a dose of extra protection from UV rays…
Evidence is overwhelming
THE EVIDENCE IS SIMPLY OVERWHELMING… These are so impressive that I have come to regard them as among the best-kept secrets in medical science.
What could be fairer? You risk nothing. You pay nothing.
Dr. Weiss has recently been featured in many other local and industry newspapers and periodicals from coast to coast…
For any reason
All your money back. Any time. For any reason. Period.
A 100%, No-Strings-Attached, Four-Way Guarantee
The sum total of those companies’ revenues and earnings, cash and debt and other critical fundamentals gives us a graphic picture of how healthy (or sick) the economy and stock market really are.
Good-Bye To Risk
Say good-bye to high risk!
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Guard your money like a junkyard watchdog
You’ll get a wealth of tools that will guard your money like a junkyard watchdog.
America’s #1 Guardian of Investor Safety since 1971.
Hang your hat on
… this is proprietary advice you can hang your hat on!
This is by far, the hardest-working moneysaving tool any investor could have now.
The world’s up and coming tax haven is now yours …
He’s the man
When it comes to herbal formulas, HE’S THE MAN.
An honest-to–God shortcut to launching the longest drives …
Buy cultural icons: They are indestructible.
Indisputable proof
He’s mastered the art of Overwhelming Evidence – a technique of providing indisputable proof that your service or product can deliver its promise.
Inflation-proof your government bonds …
Help me insulate my money and Grow Up To 1000% Richer In The Great Stock Panic of 2002!
My ironclad, 100% satisfaction guarantee means you have absolutely nothing to lose.
Island of Sanity
An island of sanity in an insane market.
And then you can keep everything you have received – FREE!
America’s leading news organizations – and even the U.S. Congress – turn to Dr. Martin D. Weiss for 100% objective, conflict-of-interest-free analysis and advice!
Leading Authority
America’s leading news organizations – and even the U.S. Congress – turn to Dr. Martin D. Weiss for 100% objective, conflict-of-interest-free analysis and advice!
Lifetime Membership
Your savings in just ONE year will easily exceed the cost of the entire lifetime membership.
Lion’s share
Put the lion’s share of your money into a portfolio designed to safely deliver substantial returns WITHOUT exposing your core holdings to risk …
His weekly Options Hotline e-alert is one of the longest-running option advisory services available.
Restore your long-term financial security.
Plus, the Fairest Money-Back Guarantee anywhere!
Minimum Risk
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Must be delighted
You must be delighted with your profits, or simply call and cancel your subscription at any time in your first year for a FULL REFUND on your subscription.
Never lost money
… With a conservative portfolio that has NEVER lost money in any year for more than three decades …
Nobel Prize pedigree
They’re out only hope against tomorrow’s plagues, and one with a Nobel Prize pedigree.
You get all my no-nonsense investment recommendations.
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A 100%, No-Strings-Attached, Four-Way Guarantee
This is your only independent, objective warning of the riskiest stocks and mutual funds that could torpedo your portfolio.
IT’S OFFICIAL: SAFE MONEY REPORT by Martin Weiss, Ph.D. Is the #1 Top Performing Newsletter for the Period of March 2002-February 2003
Dr. Weiss outlines the abuses unsuspecting investors are suffering at the hands of trusted brokers.
Overwhelming Evidence
He’s mastered the art of Overwhelming Evidence – a technique of providing indisputable proof that your service or product can deliver its promise.
These secrets to make investing simple and painless.
Personally checked
You’ll be secure in the knowledge that I’ve personally checked all these therapies for safety and effectiveness …
We’re so positive that The Best of Diabetes Self-Management will make a difference in your life …
I show you how you can make sure YOUR money isn’t frozen and your invested wealth is PRESERVED as these events unfold …
His name and insights are continuously mentioned in some of the most prestigious publication in the world.
This remarkably private investment is easy!
Ever wish you could hire a pro to show you the ropes? Now you can!
Thanks for protecting us! Most of our friends have lost their money.
My Total Protection Package give you everything you’ll ever need to grow your wealth safely and without risk …
Your copy will be shipped quickly in a discrete unmarked carton for maximum privacy.
Rated #1
Rated #1 Top Performing Investment Newsletter For the Period of March 2002 to Feb 2003!
Rave Reviews
Rave Reviews for Advanced Artery Solution!
72 Real-Life Health Miracles From The People Who LIVED Them!
If for any reason you are not satisfied with… you can get a FULL REFUND.
Reliable figures
The most reliable figures show that vegetarians die younger …
… You could have kept your serious money safe in conservative investments that reliably DOUBLE YOUR WEALTH every six years…
Remarkable reputation
I’ll tell you more about Dr. Oakes in a moment, but first let me tell you a true story that dramatically demonstrates how she built her remarkable reputation.
I want to tempt you with 10 – yes 10 – FREE investment research reports plus a GIVEAWAY discount on the #1 investment advisory in America.
One of the nation’s most respected business magazines writes: Those who followed Dr. Weiss’ advice would have sidestepped the bursting of the equity bubble…
Respect your privacy
We respect your privacy. We never share any of your information with anyone…
Now that clinical trials have proved him resoundingly right …
I created my Rescue Your Retirement Library to help you weather this storm with your wealth intact.
Right timing
With the right timing, an investor buying the right put options on Enron could have made up to 20 times more than investors who merely shorted the stock…
Safe Money Report – the Uneasy Investor.
Safe alternative
… A safe alternative to an aspirin a day.
Together, we will keep your wealth SAFELY growing.
Safest – “The safest country in the world…
Yes. I’m a stickler for safety. My serious money is in savings vehicles.
Safety in numbers
Partly, it’s an issue of: there’s safety in numbers.
… There are helpful charts and three of America’s most carefully scrutinized and influential investment columns.
We’re safe and secure, the Weiss way!
Nature’s remarkable “shield” for your eyes…
Slash and eliminate risk
I will help you slash and eliminate risk now.
My money is in solid investments with real, intrinsic value.
But in the SAFE MONEY REPORT, you get sound, conflict-of-interest-free money-making insights and advice you can hang your hat!
Spot on
Of course, my analysis was spot on — AGAIN. And millions of unsuspecting investors got fleeced — AGAIN.
Staying the Course
By focusing on 4 key organizational building blocks, making sweeping changes, and staying the course …
Stop Worrying
Stop worrying about incredibly frightening cancer myths – right now!
Take Control
Or you can TAKE CONTROL of your investments – and get the guidance and advice that keeps your money safe and introduce you to investments that are already soaring 99% …
Take the Guesswork Out
… when you can take the guesswork out of stock selection…
You can trust these ratings. I never accept a dime from companies I rate.
For expertise, lucidity, thoroughness, and trustworthiness, you can’t beat the Dolans!
I introduce you to the ultra-low-risk vehicles and strategies that can give you ultimate peace of mind…
Unambiguous signals for every Real Wealth investment…
Unconditional Money-Back Guarantee
America’s #1 daily investment journal often turns to Dr. Weiss for clear, unhedged analysis of the day’s economic and investment events.
Will cost you nothing
If I don’t make you money, the full year of … will cost you nothing
Without further obligation
I want you to keep everything you’ve received from me without cost or further obligation.
Without losing sleep
Lock in your richer retirement without losing sleep at night!
Without risking a penny
You can learn this astonishing secret … without risking a penny.
X-ray vision
Having access to these exclusive secrets is kind of like having X-ray vision.
Year after year
Year after year, these nutrients have worked for pain-ridden joint sufferers — giving them the freedom and mobility they’d always dreamed of!
This guidance is yours FREE with your zero-risk trial subscription to Emerging Growth, the #1-rated investment advisory for the last 20 years.