Fear Flashcards
Washington is now in an absolute panic to put a Band-Aid on the gaping head wounds of the economy and convince you that Wall Street is safe again.
Worried Sick
But they’ve got us worried sick about nothing. Just say no to all the health advice that’s making your life a misery.
Wiped Out
And 100% of the gains of last year’s great rally have been wiped out.
Banks are now holding TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS worth of the high-risk investments Warren Buffet just called “Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction.”
Now, in the enclosed bulletin, I issue yet ANOTHER warning of a coming crisis that will end the recent rally and drive stocks to new lows.
The United States is now vulnerable to one of the most devastating bank crises in seven decades!
And the disturbing truth is, unless you take action to insulate your wealth now – and I do mean NOW – you WILL be one of the victims.
That happened in 2000, when the NASDAQ bubble exploded and vaporized $5 trillion of invested wealth.”
Vanishing demand for new issues already has many investors eager to dump bonds they own.
Unlimited Risk
I am NOT talking about gambling a huge chunk of your long-term core holdings on things that expose you to unlimited risk!
Stocks for the uneasy investor…
At a time like this, UNCERTAINTY is your #1 obstacle.
In it I’ll explain how to protect and safely build your wealth in light of the tumultuous times ahead…
Tricky Times
Take advantage of all the opportunities I see for you to rack up gains of up to 562% in these tricky times!
What’s happening now in Japan is about to make that traumatic episode look like a slight hiccup!
And each time, the rally proved to be a cruel hoax – a TRAP that slammed those investors for more big losses!
Toxic Gunk
Don’t let toxic gunk build up inside you!
Ton of Bricks
Massive loan losses have hit the U.S. banks like a ton of bricks!
I heard her small, timid little voice whisper, “Thanks.
Tidal Waves
The shockwaves of this crisis will slam Wall Street like a giant tidal wave.
Ticking Time Bomb
I’ll tell you what they see: seven ticking time bombs set to smash the U.S. stock market and economy in 2003!
Poets & Writers Magazine guides you through the thorniest business details”
Federal investigators are getting ready to drop the financial equivalent of a thermonuclear bomb on Wall Street…”
All year long, terrorists have been attacking oil fields…
Bankers are terrified that their massive real estate loans soon won’t be worth the paper they’re written on.
Ten-Foot Pole
… stocks you shouldn’t touch with a ten-foot pole!
Hundreds of corporate pension plans are now teetering on the brink of the greatest meltdown EVER.”
Wall Street talked ordinary investors into risking their life savings on overpriced stocks – and then made billions when the market “mysteriously” tanked.”
And each time it strikes, it drives their stocks and stock indexes into a tailspin.
Emotional survival: How to avoid feeling horrible…
There is a natural way to unclog your arteries… much preferable to surgery!
“The Gazarelli Edge will get you out… before you suffer a sudden plunge.
Could this be the straw that breaks US banks?”
America’s Corporate Giants Are Positively STRANGLING On Massive Debt.”
We already know that the flu strains of recent years have been getting deadlier.”
If someone steals your identity, you could end up $50,000 or more in debt!
Starving off the oxygen supply to the one hundred trillion cells in your body…
… a staggering 310 NASDAQ stocks have lost 50% of their value or more!
… Sending the most inflated stocks spiraling to earth like a gut shot goose.
As you’ll see in a moment, the coming bank bust could make the snarling grizzly bear of a stock market you’ve seen over the past three years look tame by comparison.”
Can you see how this crisis ALONE is enough to smash stocks to smithereens?”
Your stocks and equity mutual funds will be SMASHED by one of the deadliest banking crises since 1932!
Why did the banks get smacked so hard?
Sky-high real estate prices will absolutely slaughter consumer demand.”
And don’t forget how stocks got slammed by the Energy Crisis of the 1970’s…”
Skinned Alive
And if you own stocks or equity funds when this happens, you’ll be skinned alive. Again.”
World economies are sinking at the same time…
10 sinkholes that will take investors by surprise this year!
Shorn Like Sheep
Inevitably, the god news turned bad again – and millions of investors were shorn like sheep when stocks crashed to new lows.
… when they’ll siphon an additional $1 trillion out of ordinary investors’ mutual funds, brokerage accounts and retirement funds.
Some manage to escape, and will later die from shock, separated from their family members, worn out from the long chase”
Shirts ripped off their backs
I personally designed each one of these tools to help you keep your money growing safely even as other investors get their shirts ripped off their backs.”
And it doesn’t take a Harvard M.B.A. to figure out how that can shatter even the best of them…”
They helped kill the $2.3 billion Superior Bank recently, and they’re bound to claim many more victims before this shakeout is over.”
Significant Disruption
Y2K experts say that any significant disruption in the national power grid would send us straight back to the 18th or 19th century.
Your own GOVERNMENT is telling you FOUR, BALDFACED LIES designed to lure you back into Wall Street – for the most painful shellacking of your LIFE!”
… And especially when a big bank bites the dust, what little is left of investor confidence will be SHATTERED.”
No great bull market has ever been built upon such shaky foundations.”
Self Destruct
THIRD, the stock market will literally self destruct.
They shot him up with morphine, gave him pain pills, but nothing could stop the searing agony…
On the contrary: Every piece of economic data I examine is screaming, “More trouble ahead!
And that’s scary – because if you’re like most Americans, your arteries are already packed with plaque.
Scared Stiff
And drug firms are scared stiff because… This is for real and the details are FREE INSIDE.
If you count on Washington again, you’re practically begging to get scalped!
Runaway Deficits Can Absolutely CRUSH The U.S. Economy in 2004!
The earnings scandal that rocked the market in 2001 and 2002 was small in comparison to the greatest accounting scam of all, which is about to be exposed!”
Many – including the three largest banks in America – are holding EXTREMELY risky investments in their portfolio.”
Revert Backwards in time
Our personal lifestyles, along with the worlds of business and finance, would revert 100 years backwards in time.
Retirement Nightmare
Retirement Nightmare #2: The very stocks you’re counting on will go nowhere – or even down – in 2004 and beyond!
Red alert
Retirement Red Alert!
This will be a day of reckoning for millions of unsuspecting investors who naively believed that Wall Street had their best interests in mind.
Now, these economic nightmares are once again rearing their ugly heads.
Rat Hole
And that estimate keeps soaring – with a lot of money going down a rat hole as thousands of life-critical programs still won’t be repaired on time.
For a long moment she struggled to stop her teeth from chattering, and then she said in a quivering voice, “Please, you don’t have to go to any trouble just for me.
Bank stocks will be hammered to a pulp.
There’s an alarming new disaster already PUMMELING parts of Europe and its headed right this way.
Why these seven inevitable crises virtually GUARANTEE you’ll be 50% POORER by next New Year’s Day – IF you fail to heed this critical warning NOW…
And since science has proven conclusively that these toxins poison your body…
In early 2003, the market plunged AGAIN…
This is a classic BUBBLE – inflated by plummeting interest rates.
Plagued by a glut of available properties, combined with plummeting consumer confidence, residential real estate collapses like a house of cards.”
Relevant content that’s immediately actionable. So you can sidestep the traps and pitfalls.”
It will devour your wealth like a hungry piranha consuming a bloody piece of raw meat.”
Fat phobia may be at the height of fashion, but it’s JUNK MEDICINE.
Your private pension is in peril, too.
Panic in the White House!
When it is, it will make the massive stock market losses of the past three years PALE by comparison.
These 7 emerging crises have now GUARANTEED that the most painful stock crash of your lifetime is STILL AHEAD!
Drug companies are racing to find medicines that might stem the onslaught, yet ironically…
On the Brink
Hundreds of corporate pension plans are now teetering on the brink of the greatest meltdown EVER.