Powerless Flashcards
Age-related memory loss strikes everyone, and up until now you had few options.
Don’t just sit there and wring your hands while they suffer the agony of hip fracture…
All the Kings’s
All the King’s Horses and all the Kings Men Couldn’t Put the Economy Back Together Again.
Doctors just shook their heads about Bert, bedridden with 4 torn disks …
Bring to its Knees
Washington is about to bring Wall Street to its KNEES …
Continue to Decline
The current supply of refined petroleum products will continue to decline in the foreseeable future!
Every one of these attacks on oil supplies, further destabilizes the global oil market … and pushes oil prices higher.
Dog on a leash
They want you to be like a dog on a leash. The minute the dog starts to think for themselves and do some exploring the leash gets jerked back.
Falling for it
The saddest fact of all is the medical profession is falling for it, allowing itself to be manipulated into acting as an accessory to this crime.
You just know that for every high profile case like this, a thousand SMALLER FISH are getting fried.
Full Tilt
Oil refineries are already running at FULL TILT.
Fool’s Game
It’s a fool’s game. A game nobody can win.
Getting Old
Sorry Marge, you’re getting old …
Ground Planes
But don’t worry, the FAA has a back-up plan. Namely, to ground planes until the repairs are made.
You can stand by helplessly as they gut your savings …
You can’t imagine how horrible life on the street is for a homeless kid…
I don’t know whether to laugh or cry…
Why these seven inevitable crises virtually GUARANTEE you’ll be 50% POORER by next New Year’s Day: You’re only hope – take action NOW!
Because ground oil supplies are rapidly dwindling …
Even as Winstar was floundering, Grubman never seemed to notice.
Fundamental Forces
Because the bankruptcy crisis is being driven by powerful fundamental forces that the authorities do not control.
They tested this compound on people with brain circulation so impaired, many were already suffering mini-strokes…
Locked In
But they are largely oblivious to these locked-in trends, and the investments that will soar are selling cheap.
Oil transportation capacity is maxed-out!
Mental Decline
Loved ones need not suffer mental decline! NOT ANYMORE!
These poor naïve souls trusted Saloman and Grubman.
No additional supply
Oil Minister Chakib Khelil stated that the OPEC can do nothing regarding oil prices…
If your feet get colder more easily, your head is probably growing numb too…
And overpowering prostate cancer with Melatonin?
And he was renowned for his work with “hopelessly” paralyzed children…
Placed Their Faith
Thousands of men with prostate cancer placed their faith in this product…
I don’t EVER want you to be pressured into having a bypass operation or…
Punch-drunk prizefighter
The economic world was already staggering like a punch-drunk prizefighter …
For years, they quietly resigned themselves to miseries just like yours.
Run out of juice
Your neurons run out of juice… Yes! Just like a car battery.
Your retirement is being systematically sacrificed on the altar of economic expediency.
Severe Shortage
… the shortage of refined products is destined to become even more severe for years to come.
Russian oil giant, Yukos, shut down 60% of its oil production and prices surged.
Now those side-effects are beginning to strike … and, the doctor has run out of new drugs!
Sleepwalking Toward Bankruptcy!
Gary’s sex life and career were in a slump.
Spreading like wildfire
Look around you: it’s already spreading like wildfire. We are also witnessing a surge in business failures.
You can surrender to those who have vowed to destroy your wealth …
Throw in the towel
So frustrated … you were tempted to throw in the towel.
Trouble-making intestines
… unpredictable stomach and troublemaking intestines, every day.
Uphill Battle
Most investors are destined to fight an uphill battle just to stay even with where they are right now.
Unexplained – “I strongly recommend Probiotic Advantage if you have unexplained GI discomfort.
Please remember: This tidal wave of personal bankruptcies is absolutely unstoppable.
Meanwhile, millions of unsuspecting investors, blissfully ignorant of how corrupt Washington’s budget numbers are …
You are now the target of what will be the bloodiest slaughter of unwary of investors ever.
Enron’s massive accounting fraud essentially killed the company and cost unwitting investors billions – up to 99.9% of their invested wealth.
There won’t be a war going on inside your body that makes you sit in a chair for an hour after dinner and wait for the Battle of the Belly to be over.
Weak and Tired
Too many meatless meals can leave your mind feeling weak and tired …
When Pigs Fly
When Pigs Fly … so, unless pigs grow wings, you can pretty much count on gas prices soaring.