Happy Flashcards
There will be side-effects. Truly AMAZING ones!
(EDTA is the) Antidote for Homocysteine Poisoning.
Anti Aging
The ultimate anti-aging herb for the heart!
Astonishing Power
The astonishing power of chelation therapy is now in your hands.
Balances healthier blood sugar levels and restores blood flow to cold, tingling painful arms, legs, fingers and toes …
Banish The Blues
Banish the Blues forever, in as little as 3 days (or 3 hours!)
Beat Fatigue and have the energy to do the things you love.
Beat The System
Meet the real people who are beating the system, then let me share the discoveries that cured their miseries …
Plus, Probiotic Advantage contains the four most beneficial organisms – not just acidophilus.
Better Clarity
… Vision Advantage: See the difference with improved night vision, better clarity and less eye fatigue
Better Nutrient Absorption
What’s the use in eating foods that are rich in Omega essential fats, Vitamin C, etc. if your body isn’t (better) absorbing the nutrients?
The quickest, easiest, smartest way to BLAST your arteries clean
Boost your natural immunity with this delicious tropical fruit …
… Claim your 5 Free BRAIN-BOOSTING Gifts!
With new, safe, affordable breakthroughs from anti-aging research such as …
Breakneck Speed
But if you restore it with the natural formula he tells you about on page 337, your entire body responds with breakneck speed.
The human body simply couldn’t burn fat without this simple nutrient.
Charge you energy banks
It’ll charge your energy banks like nothing you’ve ever tried.
Claw toxins and plaque out of you body.
A Cleaner System: the longer that waste and everyday toxins are allowed to linger in your body, the worse it gets …
Beats cholesterol cutting drugs and even clears plaque-choked arteries!
Clear Up
It can be used to totally clear up sinus infections, erase benign moles and even clear up periodontitis without surgery.
Professor Waterman’s team recently put this powerful tool to work conquering prostate cancer …
It’s the single best nutrient for safely conserving and restoring crucial higher functions of the brain …
Cracked The Code
Dr. Ray Sahelian has cracked the chemical code that makes brains age …
Crystal Clear
I’ll tell you how to supercharge your energy, boost your immune system, restore crystal clear mental functions and knock inches and pounds off your body…
Cure sleeplessness
But now you can cure sleeplessness once and for all…
Killer Plague Cured!
This simple vinegar formula stunned researchers by cutting people’s insulin resistance nearly in half.
This cutting-edge enzyme therapy is shown to be over three times more effective against the world’s deadliest cancers.
You’ll also receive a complimentary copy of DE-GUNK Your Arteries For Life.
The Delicious Way to Better Health!
Fatigue falls away, joint pain vanishes, morning stiffness disappears…
Disease-Proof your body and add many good years to your life!
Dissolve unnecessary fear, anger, resentment, inner criticism, and judgment of self and others.
Dramatic Turnaround
… He’s helping patients with severe flu make dramatic turnarounds in mere hours.
A wonderful, tiny, inexpensive supplement that makes your whole digestive system work like a dream.
Amazing Drug-Free Cholesterol Miracle!
EAGLE EYES: The Astonishing Cure for Cataracts and Macular Degeneration.
Revive and electrify nerve endings which were once deadened…
The elixir of youth. It’s found in high levels in those who live to a ripe old age with little or no disease.
End Dysfunction
End erectile dysfunction with a cheap herb hardly ever sold for this purpose
You’ll feel more energized, within the very first two minutes of starting!
Burn victims blistering pain erased in 30 minutes!
Exhausting? More like exhilarating!
The 22 best eye-enhancing nutrients from around the world.
Feast on your favorite foods… completely without guilt!
Feel Great
Best of all, when you’re regular and your gut is free of gas and discomfort… you’ll feel great!
Feel Light
You’ll feel light, upbeat and ready to take on every activity.
Feel Like a Man
Learn how to safely reverse it and feel like a man again fast.
Two of nature’s most potent free radical fighters…
End Pain
Pain ended with a $3 wand…
Feel Now
So won’t you let me give you the answers I’ve found – all proven, perfected and ready to make you feel new again – for FREE?
Fix This
Fix this weak link and watch your health soar
Fix a Lifetime
Fix a Lifetime of Digestive Problems…
… But imagine the sense of freedom and happiness a trouble-free digestive system would give you.
In order to be fully-charged, you need to have the right tools to extract the energy from foods …
Oxygen floods to the heart, giving an energy boost that doesn’t quit.
Flush deadly plaque from your system!
Getting control of your diabetes so you’re free to live the way you want …
Function Better
When your digestive system works the way it should, suddenly the rest of your body functions better.
I say: You’ll soon be the glowing exception.
Gone for Good
Painful ulcers gone for good after two years of drugs and supplements fail…
When that oxygen gets released against germs, it “oxidizes” them. Poof, they’re goners.
Good Guys
These 3 pounds of “good guys” are your digestive tract…
Grow A Brand-New Trouble-Free Gut …
Halt and Reverse
That was before Dr. Mark Stengler switched her to his natural discovery proven to halt and reverse bone loss.
All three health-boosting reports, FREE!
Here’s what life is like in the healthiest country in the world…
Quick and Healthy Low-Fat Cooking delivers all it promises.
Hear the softest Sound
Hear the softest sounds… clear across a crowded restaurant!
Heart Health
Even if your heart health is fine, your brain may need CoQ10 even more.
Homemade Remedies
Homemade Remedies that Save You Money
Testosterone (The Magic Bullet for Male Health) is man’s primary masculine hormone…
Hush Up
Hush up chronic tinnitus! See how Gary stopped the ringing in his ears on page 108.
Compounds in this soy beverage don’t simply prevent, but also inhibit growth and spread existing tumors…
Internal Powerhouse
New sound frequency technology magically accesses your internal powerhouse and unleashes your highest self …
Invisible Army
Then it’s time to repair all the damage to your “invisible army” of microbial buddies…
Kicking Like a Mule
We started taking Advanced Artery Solution and now we’re kicking like a mule.
Knock Inches and Pounds off
I’ll tell you how to supercharge your energy, boost your immune system, and knock inches and pounds off your body …
Knock Out
Knock out fatigue without drugs!
Less Eye Fatigue
… Vision Advantage: See the difference with improved night vision, better clarity and less eye fatigue.
These ingenious Japanese scientists finally licked the problem …
Just One a Day
Yes it works, as long as you take just one a day before breakfast.
Life Affirming
And this is just one of hundreds of life-affirming natural breakthroughs that Dr. Mark Stengler will share in your FREE preview book.
Life-enriching program boosts your body’s amazing power to heal itself
The Most Life-Saving Medical Discovery of the Last 100 Years…?
Live to 100
Live to 100 (or more): I am a health-minded person and am always looking for natural ways to improve my health…
Magic Bullet
The magic bullet for more energy!
Make Obsolete
No drug were aware of could match this effect, which could make bypass surgery obsolete.
If you’re taking any cholesterol-cutting drugs… protect your manhood and memory now!
Botanical marvel leaves soy and black cohosh in the dust …
Why wait decades for these mind-boggling breakthroughs to trickle down to your doctor… when your health could be transformed within the next few minutes!
Send for your copy of Bottom Line’s Mind-Boosting Secrets.
Yet these miracles are accomplished with one the COMMONEST SUBSTANCES ON EARTH …
More Muscular
I’m going to show you the single biggest factor in male aging, plus make you more muscular, quicker, and incredibly virile
More Vibrancy
More Vibrancy: The four probiotic organisms in Probiotic Advantage are exactly what your GI tract needs to break down the food you eat.
Natural Powerhouse
I use one all-purpose natural powerhouse to keep me and my family safe from colds, viruses and infections.
Even helps neutralize the toxic effects of heavy metals like mercury.
… Containing all the non-invasive, no-side-effect techniques these “impossibly healthy” people have been using for FREE.
Nourishes and soothes creaky, inflamed, painful joints.
Transforming the mind almost instantly, by nourishing the brain…
On Top of the World
Stressful Job? Michael was losing it, but now he’s on top of the world!
It’s already shown to outlast the ultra-costly clot-busting drugs, without dangerous side-effects.
But Dr. Sahelian will show you how to ‘overhaul’ them virtually overnight.
Just ask Diane, who went from chronic fatigue to PEPPY ALL DAY!
Perk Up
I’m sure you’ve noticed how a cooperative digestive system can really perk up the spirits.
Postponed Indefinitely
The doctor said that I might need an angioplasty. But, (after EDTA treatments) now the angioplasty has been postponed indefinitely!
it’s vital you take a potent mineral supplement along with it.
Prime your brain for sex before bedtime. Fantastic FREE aphrodisiac!
Pumping Better
And now that your heart’s pumping better than ever …
I’ll show you how to mix it up and quell and sudden attack.
Starting now, you can create radiant health, extraordinary wealth, and whatever you most desire!
Razor Sharp
From Dull to Razor Sharp in 30 minutes!
My discovery is now proven to help stroke victims recover use of their limbs almost instantly, without drugs or surgery.
Reduce the Desire
Reduce the desire for alcohol and tobacco…
Refreshing and light, elegant gourmet salads to adorn your table
Rejuvenates brain cells that control learning, reasoning, coordination and memory …
Daisy’s depression isn’t just relieved, it’s gone!
Free Remedy for poor sleep
Remove years of waste products from your neurons with cutting-edge antioxidants
Renewed Energy
… And many other secrets to renewed energy, more vitality, and better sleep
I have a renewed sense of well-being and joy for living!
Replace fatigue with vibrant new energy.
Re-spark your sex drive … with this red-hot herbal discovery!
Restock your supply of essential brain chemicals and phospholipids.
Restore lost memory with this remarkable Indian herb.
Natural Discovery even Reverses Manic Depression & Schizophrenia
Screech to Halt
Makes plaque buildup screech to a halt …
… By eating like a HUMAN BEING and sculpting your body with real food like steak, eggs and plenty of butter.
See with the eyes of a child
What if you could see with the eyes of a child again?
Sexual Vitality
… enjoy better health conditioning, energy, and sexual vitality than you’ve ever had in your life.
SHED 20 YEARS OF AGING in as little as 2 months!
This one herb was all he needed to shrink them and end the pain.
Shrug-off stress and fatigue with this little known mineral …
“Feel a foggy mind snap into focus IN JUST A FEW HOURS!
Solve your own digestive problems, once and for all
Her eyes will begin to sparkle. She’ll stand taller.
Agonizing injuries speed-healed in just 2 minutes!
Supernatural Protection from Colds, Flu, Viruses & Infections.
Symptoms Reversed
Arthritis and Diabetes Symptoms Reversed…
And grow sturdy new bone mass in a matter of months.
’ll tell you how to supercharge your energy, boost your immune system…
Meet the famed natural doctor who’s turning ordinary people into SUPER-BRAINS!
This 47-year old super-fit MD will tell you…
Heart pumps stronger, energy surges, blood pressure plummets.
Surgery Cancelled
Open Heart Surgery Cancelled!
Thin for life
Helps you slim down and then keeps you thin for life…
To Kingdom Come
Right now, however, we already possess an alternative that can blast all the diseases mentioned to above and many more to kingdom come.
Every cardiologist in America would be recommending this lifesaving heart tonic…
Clogged or narrow arteries? There is a natural way to unclog them.
Discover how to transform your own brainpower…
Triggers permanent joint repair for the rest of your life…
Now we’ve unlocked your joints, the same secret can speed-heal your own bones, muscles and ligaments.
Unwrinkle your skin without drugs or surgery.
You’ll feel light, upbeat and ready to take on every activity!
Tumor vanishes virtually overnight!
But Dr. Ray Sahelian’s program acts like Viagra for the Brain…
Replaces fatigue with deep reservoirs of vibrant new energy…
I’m going to show you the single biggest factor in developing sexual confidence — one that makes you harder, longer-lasting and incredibly virile.
… And many other secrets to renewed energy, more vitality, and better sleep!
Create an internal environment that supports harmonious loving relationships, rich abundance, and radiant wellbeing…
Wonderful News
If you wished your digestive system worked smoother, I have wonderful news for you…
Wonderfully heart-healthy
Here’s a dirty little secret no one’s telling you: Eggs are actually wonderfully heart-healthy.
Way Beyond
Way Beyond Gingko – Why it often doesn’t work and what DOES!
… whisks unwanted wastes and toxins out of your system.
Wipes Out
Amazing cure in a can virtually Wipes Out Alzheimer’s!
Look younger and better. Save as much as 50% on your order if you respond within the next 10 days …
And better yet, your skin will develop a youthful glow that will have people thinking you’re ten or twenty years younger than you really are!
Deadly viruses zapped in hours…