Sexuality and the Older Adult Flashcards
Lec 7 part 2 &
What is the difference btwn sex and gender?
Sex; anatomy of the reproductive system and its secondary characteristics. Gender; social construct, social roles and norms deemed appropriate, behaviours
What is sexuality?
how we think about and express our sexual interests and identity. includes sexual activities but is also a state of mind. Exploring sexuality is a lifelong process.
What are the 5 circles of sexuality?
Sensuality; feelings and awareness of ones body and body of a partner. Intimacy; emotional closeness and familiarity btwn ppl. Power and Sexualization; sexual behaviours ranging from flirtation to rape, used to manipulate or control and individual. Sexual health and reproduction; the capacity to reproduce and engage in a healthy and enjoyable sex life. Sexual identity; personal understanding of one’s sexual preferences, orientation., and expression.
What is sexual expression?
some thoughts and actions can include; daydreaming/fantasies, talking about feelings, presenting self, experiencing intimacy, embracing, caressing, touching (self or others), kissing, sex.
What are some myths about sexuality and aging?
OAs are asexual, sexuality doesnt exist in old age, have to look youthful to express sexuality, sexuality among OAs is comical or disgusting, or medical, sex in LTCFs is against the rules, assumed to be hetero.
Are OAs sexually active?
60-69 yrs; 86% of men are and 60% of women are. 70-79; 59% of me are and 34% of women are. 80+ 31% of men are and 14% of women are.
What are some quotes from OAs telling us about sexuality and sexual expression?
they still feel the same inside, so may look different but dont on the inside.
What can affect OAs sexual expression?
Age related changes; changes in fxnl ability, social network changes, chronic illness, meds, ageist attitudes, living in a LTCF. Societal norms that define appropriate sexual expression.
Describe age-related changes as an obstacle to sexual expression.
changes to skin affect self image. decrease in estrogen causes vaginal dryness or atrophy, anorgasmia. decrease in testosterone causes erectile dysfunction, less semen ejected, longer recovery time, shorter orgasms.
Describe changes in fxnl ability as obstacles to sexual expression?
changes in sensory system especially vision and hearing, which can lead to social isolation. changes in musculoskeletal fxn and problems with mobility, balance, and flexibility. can increase social isolation and fear of falling.
Describe chronic illness as an obstacle to sexual expression?
illnesses like arthritis, heart disease, cardiovascular accidents/stroke, cancer. pain and discomfort can be a barrier. med use also affects this as there cna be side effects like decreased sexual arousal.
Describe social network changes as obstacles to sexual expression?
decreased social contact. network can decrease due to death, relocation, and illness. voluntary celibacy also smthn.
What are the 3 D’s that Dr. Comfort suggests cause loss of partner?
Death, divorce, displacement. Displacement is relocation of a partner bc they require special care bc of phys or cog needs.
What are the societal norms related to OAs and sexuality?
assumption that sex and sexuality are the provinces of only the young.
What is a social clock?
depicts the appropriate roles and behaviours for age groups within our society.
What did the study find about sexual expression in LTC?
tension of how sexual expression is supported. staff had neg attitudes about it. need guidelines to create a safe and welcoming enviro.tension btwn private and public spaces, bc staff work there but residents live there, so needs to be right to privacy. tension btwn medical model of care and sexual expression, as some things are urgent and sexual expression is not a priority. sexual expression should be recognized as a right and an act of daily living.