Oral Health and Aging Flashcards
Lec 9 part 1
What are the structures of the oral cavity?
lips, teeth, tongue, hard palate, soft palate, floor of mouth, tonsils, uvula, retromolar trigone, buccul mucosa
What is edentulous?
means lacking teeth
What is dental restoration?
surgeries replacing of fixing teeth. more common in men.
What is the structure of the tooth?
enamel, dentin, pulp cavity, root canal, blood vessels and nerves,
What are root caries?
when bacteria gets to the root of tooth which can occur bc of gum recession or pockets in gum.
What are coronal dental caries?
bacteria cavitates and penetrates through enamel into the dentin of a tooth.
Why are dental caries bad?
dont want bacteria getting to root bc it can then get into blood stream.
What is poor health related to?
diabetes, respiratoy diseases, heart disease and stroke.
What is the connection btwn oral disease and systemic disease?
Bacterial biofilm which is clusters of bacteria that stick to surfaces and each other and are embedded in a self produced matrix. continually grows in mouth. plaque hardens and becomes tartar/calculus and cannot be brushed off which causes gum disease, bad breath, and cavities. so plaque needs to be removed every day to maintain oral health.
What is the link btwn periodontal disease and respiratory diseases?
aspiration of dental plaque causes aspirational pneumonia.
what is the link btwn heart disease/stroke and periodontal disease?
adds to inflammatory burden, so have elevated immune response.
What are the common traits btwn diabetes and periodontal disease?
multi-factorial disease; genetic makers, and lifestyle behaviours. pathogenic commonalities, ability of bodys immune system to effectively mount a response to insult.
how does saliva and sugar affect dental caries?
less saliva= less cleansing and buffering action, makes dental plaque grow rapidly. a higher sugar lvl in salvia is food for plaque.
What are the determinants of chewing dysfxn?
low oral health, no dental insurance, edentulous, OAs, lack of regular source of dental care.
What is bacterial dental biofilm?
biofilm is nidus for bacteria, so its a place that multiplies bacteria. bacteria is plaque which becomes calculus and hardens so it cant be brushed off. when host resistance is challenged can lead to periodontal disease and tooth decay.