Physical Aspects of Aging Flashcards
Lec 3 (part 1) & Lec 4 (part 1)
Describe the aging process as decline in physiological parameters (diagram).
as we age our physiological processes begin to decline. starting at 35 and continuing to worsen. examples are cognitive fxn, mobility, nerve conduction, mm strength, testosterone and estrogen, visual acuity, insulin sensitivity.
What are some more changes in aging in addition to physiological decline?
OA’s have; less response to external/environment stressors (frailty), increased susceptibility to disease bc of decreased immune fxn, changes in molecular level to organism.
Explain physiological dysfunction with aging and the cycle that comes with aging.
once we start to get decreased fxn (ie decreased motor, cognitive, vascular, metabolic kidney) , we’re more likely to get fxnl limitations, frailty and disability. this leads to contracting chronic conditions such as parkinsons, heart disease, stroke, hypertension, alzheimers, kidney disease, and type 2 diabetes. can also simply lead to mortality. the cycle is that when a chronic condition starts it will further increase dysfxn, which then can make other organ systems more susceptible to dysfxn, and it continues on.
What are some examples of genetic and biological causes of aging?
decreased mito fxn (decreased NRG prod), increased ROS/oxidative stress wich increases mito dysfxn. epigenetic changes (change to expression of gene).
What are some implications of physical changes with aging?
lessened reserve capacity, so slowness, stress, homeostatic balance. more complex patterns of disease, so comorbidities, and symptoms differ. importance of accident prevention as the recovery is longer, and more serious injuries occur. emphasize health promotion and prevention. So we’re trying to minimize and slow down changes with aging.
What does the compression of morbidity health span and optimal longevity diagram mean?
means we want to shorten/compress the time we spend with morbidities and increase the time spent in good health. So that’s optimal longevity, where we have optimal health. Kind of implying if we figure out ways to increase the lifespan but dont increase health it will just be time spent with bad health.
What is the integumentary system is composed of?
integ. syst. is hair, skin, nails, sweat glands, oil (sebaceous) glands, sensory receptors, pigment/melanin. three layers of skin; epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous fat layer.
How is the skin affected by aging?
in the epidermis we have langerhans cells which are immune cells that prevent bacteria from getting in when we cut ourselves. also have melanocytes which produce melanin. both these cells prevent the development of skin cancer, meaning as these decrease with age, you have an increased risk of skin cancer. With blood vessels in dermis, they decrease and shorten with age so temperature regulation is much worse as vessels arent constricting as much which doesnt keep heat, and vessels arent dilating as much which leads to heatstroke. also in dermis less collagen and elastin which thins and wrinkles skin. Fat layer decreases which leads to wrinkles.
What is photoaging?
damage to the skin due to UV And NOT aging. amount of skin damage depends on heredity, and exposure to UV. Uv leads to mutation of genes. with age have less melanin and less turnover in epidermis so UV light is more dangerous
What are some changes to hair with age?
less melanin so become grey, and thin because hair follicles decrease. growth of nails decreases as well and they become more brittle.
What are some components part of the sensory system?
Vision, hearing, taste, smell.
What are the different kinds of hearing loss that can occur with age?
Hearing loss is inability to distinguish between sounds. Conductive hearing loss; sound isnt getting to the inner ear/tympanic membrane bc there’s problem with external and middle ear. Sensorineural hearing loss; sound isnt getting from inner ear to brain bc of problem with the auditory nerve or the inner ear. Central auditory dysfunction; cant hear bc of damaged nerve centres in brain. Presbycusis; inability to hear high frequency tones.
What are some implications of OA’s experiencing hearing loss?
less likely so be social, will isolate themselves because its difficult to communicate. inner ear also has vestibular fxns so can affect balance and falls.
What does vision impairment implicate for OA’s?
less ability to communicate, loss of basic skills, loss of confidence and lack of sense of belonging in community.
What are some components in the structure of the eye?
lens; the middle portion that’s behind the pupil. iris; muscular sphincter that creates the pupil (contracts and relaxes). cornea; external surface of eye. retina; photosensitive portion at back of eye.