Sexual Disorders And Paraphilias Flashcards
What are high risk factors that may lead to undesired outcomes?
Substance use, limited access to care, poor health literacy about STI, STI sx and about prevention, unassertive, poor communication skills, young age
What are high risk behaviors that may lead to undesired outcomes?
Unprotected intercouse, mouth to genital contact or anal sex, multiple sex partners, sex trade work, self or partner use of IV drugs
What are undesired outcomes?
STI, unwanted pregnancy, relationship complications and poverty
What is abnormal sexuality?
Not about a human sexual partner; excludes stimulation of primary sex organs; is compulsive, injurious to self or others
What is paraphilia?
Any intense and persistent sexual interest other than sexual interst in genital stimulation or preparatory fondling with phenotypically normal, physical mature, consenting human partners for at least 6 months
Describe the development of paraphilia
Early inapproproate sexual association or experiences (some accidental and some vicarious) —> inappropriate sexual fantasies repeatedly associated with masturbatory activities and strongly reinforced —> repeated attempts to inhibit undesired arousal and behavior resulting in increase in paraphilic thoughts, fantasies and behavior —> paraphilia
What are types of legal (non-victimizing) paraphilia?
Fetishism, sexual masochism, transvestic fetishism, sexual sadism (mild)
What are types of illegal (victimizing) paraphilias?
Voyeurism, exhibitionism, pedophilia, sexual sadism
What is sexual masochism disorder?
Derives sexual pleasure from suffering (humilation, beaten, bound) — real acts, not stimulation
What is sexual sadism disorder?
Sexual arousal from the physical or psychological suffering of another person; partner may or may not have consented
What is exhibitonism?
Exposure of genitals to unsuspecting strangers in public; intent is to evoke their shock or fear; victim usually nonconsenting
What is fetishistic disorder?
Sexual aroussal from non-living objects or specific focus on non-genital body parts
What is frotteuristic disorder?
Touching or rubbing against a non-consenting person; males usually 15-25 yo
What is transvestic disorder?
Sexually arousing fantasies, urges or behaviors about cross dressing; not related to gender identity
What is voyeuristic disorder?
Sexual arousal by watching an unsuspecting person who is naked, disrobing or engaging in sexual activity; must be 18+ yo
What is pedophilic disorder?
Sexual fantasies, urges or activity with prepubescent child (usually <13 yo); must be aged 16+ and at least 5 years older than the child; extremely difficult to treat
What are the risk factors for recidivisim of pedophilia?
Male victims, stranger victims, prior sex offenses, lack of a cohabitation hx with adult partners (lives alone)