Sex DDx Flashcards
Painful period due to uterine contractions
Can have lower back and abdominal pain, N&V
Or be a symptom
Heavy menstrual bleeding, symptoms of Dx
Intermenstrual bleeding
Bleeding between periods
Symptom, side effect if contraception
Pre menstrual dysphoric disorder PMDD
Severe form of PMS
Fatigue, sore breasts, weight gain, insomnia, paranoid, suicidal
Ectopic pregnancy
Egg implements outside of womb
PV bleed, pelvic pain, shoulder pain (blood leaks from fallopian tube) can rupture and lead to shock
Ovarian torson
Ovary twists around ligaments and can cut off circulation
N&V, fever, PV bleed, pelvic pain
Tissue lining in uterus grows outside uterus
Dysmenorrhoea, painful sex, menorrhagie, intermenstral bleed
HTN in pregnancy, with fluid retention
Headache, blurr vision, N&V
Yeast infection,
Painless itch, thick white discharge, vulva irritation
Bacterial vaginosis
Imbalance of bacteria that naturally live in vagina
White or grey discharge, “fishy” smell
Bartholin’s cyst
Bartholin’s gland obstructs and build-up fluid
Irritation, pain at vagina, inflammation
Foreskin cannot be pulled over head of penis
Constriction, swollen penis gland, obstruction in urine
Foreskin cannot retract
Inflamed urethra
Painful pee, pruritis, discharge
Testicular torsion
Twisting of spermatic cords
Sudden pain/swelling scrotum, abdominal pain, N&V
Acute epididymo-orchitis
Swelling and inflammation of epididymis/testes normally due ti extension of urethra infection
N&V, fever, hx of STI/UTI
Fournier’s gangrene
Necrotising fascists, affecting genitals
Swelling, pain, fever, pallor
Testes cancer
Hard lump in testes, painless with localised discomfort
Nocturia, urine retention, dribbling on pee. Not acute onset
Swelling and inflamed prostate form bacteria entering from urinary tract
UTI symptoms, Hx of STI
Genital herpes
Type 2 refers to gentiles, passes by skin to skin contact with no need for blisters and can lay dormant.
Blisters, painful pee, unsafe sex
Can affect urine tract, anus, eyes, throat and female reproduce organs.
UTI symptoms, inflamed genitals, prurititis
Can have nil symptoms, infections in urethra, cervix, anus throat, eyes. Can lead to genital tract damage, PID, ectopic pregnancy, arthritis
Infection ascends vagina into pelvic reproduction organs, can be due to D&C. Can cause permanent damage.
Lower abdominal tenderness, menstrual disturbance, change in vaginal discharge
Can lead to neuro syphilis. Starts with multiple sores painless for up too 6 wks then rashes on skin/mucosa membranes.
Swollen lymph nodes, hair loss, cachexia